AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka implied Thursday that there might be a vote on a contentious union bill when Congress returns after the mid-term elections. When asked if he had received a commitment from Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill to move the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) during the lame-duck session, Trumka told reporters on a conference call to "stay tuned." "All I would say to you is stay tuned. That would be my best answer to you," Trumka said. Asked to provide more specific details, the union leader declined to do so. "I could be but I chose not to be," Trumka said. Kevin Bogardus, "Labor Leader Hints At Possible Lame-Duck Vote On Union Bill," The Hill, 10/7/10And what did this woman not know?
"[Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Mary Kay] Henry said SEIU still considers the Employee Free Choice Act, legislation that would make union organizing much easier, a main plank of its legislative platform. But the bill has stalled in the Senate. Henry said a vote on it would be welcome, but that's unlikely this year as Democrats no longer have the 60 votes needed to overcome a Senate filibuster." (Kevin Bogardus, "SEIU To Refocus Under Henry," The Hill, 5/12/10)My guess if there is a move on jobs-killing card check, it will start with union lackey Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA).
Will the Democrats issue what author Bret Harte called a "Parthian " insult at the voters this fall?
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