Friday, August 20, 2010

Obama endorsement will hurt Illinois candidates

Even here in Illinois, President Obama's home state, an endorsement from the Cult of Change leader is a hindrance.

From the Public Policy Polling blog:

40% of voters in the state say they'd be less likely to support an Obama endorsed candidate to only 26% who say it would be an asset. The reality at this point is that Obama turns Republican voters off to a much greater extent than he excites Democrats. That's reflected in the fact that 83% of Republicans say an Obama endorsement would be a negative with them while only 49% of Democrats say it would be a positive. Independents also respond negatively by a 38/19 margin.

The numbers on an Obama endorsement are perhaps more relevant with undecided voters. Among those who have not yet made up their minds in the Senate race 21% say an Obama endorsement would resonate positively with them while 33% say it would be a turnoff.
PPP lays down the bad news for Obama and the Democrats: "And if his support isn't an asset in his home state it's hard to imagine where it is."

And the Dems still have to run against Planet Blago.

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