Monday, June 28, 2010

Report from Sunday's pro-Israel rally in Skokie

Skokie's Ezra Habonim synagogue was the place for supporters of Israel to be yesterday. About 400 backers of the America's best friend in the Middle East were there to listen to speakers such as Republican candidate for Congress Joel Pollak.

Pollak, a former United Nations researcher, decried the anti-Israel nature of the body.

As far as I can gather, most of the people in attendance were members of the synagogue, many of them are Russian immigrants.

I didn't catch the name of the first speaker--I had to take a phone call from my job while he was being introduced--but after denouncing the anti-Israel policy of President Obama, he urged the crowd to "Support Hillary Clinton, support Joe [House Majority Leader] Steny Hoyer." He was loudly booed. The Democrats can no longer take the Jewish vote for granted.

Pollak faces Jan Schakowsky is a prominent member of J Street, which claims to be pro-Israel, but it's actions don't match that claim. J Street is a lion in sheep's clothing. Schakowsky was invited to speak, but cited a conflicting commitment.

Pollak's concluding comments were greeted with a standing ovation. "You and I will change the world. Together we'll make a difference." A short march followed.

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