Soon-to-be WIND-AM host William J. Kelly will lead a protest of the self-admitted bomber.
Please join Reform Chicago Now for this important protest and spread the word by inviting at least one friend to come with you. Let's send a strong message that terrorism will not be tolerated – even if the terrorist is a friend of Barack Obama’s.Roosevelt University is easily accessible from el and suburban train lines, various CTA bus routes, and there is parking (not free) available in the Grant Park underground garage.
Here are the details: There will be a protest THIS THURSDAY, June 24th, at 5:45 pm of terrorist-turned-university professor Bill Ayers.
Weatherman bombing terrorist and friend of President Barack Obama is holding a fundraiser this Thursday at Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. The benefit is for the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. The admitted bomber and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn planned multiple terrorist bombings in the late 1960s, bombings that resulted in the murder of a San Francisco police officer, the blinding of another with nail shrapnel, and other murders and the injury of many others.
Ayers, a bomb designer, has boasted publicly that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. In all, the Weatherman claimed responsibility for more than 25 other bombings in its infamous reign of terror.
Currently, Ayers is a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
For information, email williamjkellyrebuild@gmail.com.
Related post:
William Kelly's Truth Squad coming to WIND-AM next month
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