Why were they so lucky? Because ShoreBank "plays the game" with big Democratic politicians: the Chicago Way, the Al Capone Way...it won the Democratic lottery. That is why I dressed as "Scarface Al" for the event and positioned myself at ShoreBank's front door.
Joel Pollak, a Skokie Republican running against Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Evanston), led the rally. Schakowswky, Pollak informed us, led the Washington bailout-bucket brigade for ShoreBank:
"Rep. Schakowsky had a conflict of interest, since ShoreBank may have saved her husband some prison time in the 1990s by allowing him to pay back money from a check kiting scheme for which he was later convicted in 2006," Pollak said. "She also encouraged the public to invest in ShoreBank in January 2010, Pollak added, "when she knew the bank was in trouble. She should never have involved herself in the bailout effort."
The Reverend Isaac Hayes, the Republican nominee in the 2nd congressional district who faces Jesse Jackson Jr. this fall, also spoke. He told us that Communist radical Van Jones, who was forced to resign his Green Jobs Czar post with the Obama administration after he was outed as a 9/11 conspiracy nut, is a ShoreBank customer. Jones, according to a ShoreBank blog, is someone who shares the values of the bank and believes "in our mission (and) whose own work is inspiring others."
Pictured on the lower right is Pollak cheering on Hayes.
Shorebank's boneheaded green investments are among the reasons it needed a bailout.
William J. Kelly, pictured on the left, is a former GOP candidate for state comptroller. He added to the street theatre by walking into ShoreBank and demanding a $10 million line of credit. He didn't get it. Kelly, an amiable gentleman, just doesn't know the right people. Al Capone knows how things really get done in Chicago. So do the Democrats. But it sure gets expensive. Not for the politicians, mind you. Just for the taxpayers.
Stop the bailouts. And send Pollak and Hayes to Washington.
Related posts:
Why is Rep. Schakowsky so desperate to bail out ShoreBank?
Glenn Beck gives ShoreBank the blackboard treatment
ShoreBank bailout prompts call for Congressional probe
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Sheesh, you make a pretty convincing looking gangstah! Talk about getting into the spirit. Tony Soprano ain't got nuthin on ya!
I snagged your photo for a morning post.
The Radio Patriot
Jack, that cat was clean!
Oh...thanks for the links!
Yes...but Obama wasn't around then to charm Scarface Al into liberal rackets!
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