Friday, May 21, 2010

SEIU goon squad descends on home of BofA lawyer

A Saul Alinsky tactic mastered by SEIU is to not only personalize an issue--create a villain--but to protest that person/issue at their home.

Imagine how you would feel if 14 busloads of screaming and chanting goons showed up at your home. Which is what happened last Sunday at the Maryland home of a Bank of America lawyer Greg Baer.

Here's the video. Baer wasn't home--but his terrorized teenage son was, he locked himself in the bathroom--Will this mob break down the doors? Fortunately for truth, justice, and the American Way, a Fortune journalist who lived next door was there to document the thuggery.

President Obama, a Saul Alinsky disciple, has called for "civility" to guide our political discourse. But this is the same SEIU that spent $60.7 million to get have him elected.

Can you imagine the media orgy if a tea party group had done something one-tenth as awful?

SEIU owes $80 million to the Bank of America.

Hope and change, baby.

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