Well that dream has been deferred, hopefully forever. The White House requested $350 million to purchase and retrofit the northwestern Illinois facility, and the House Armed Services Committee responded with a stinging rebuke: it unanimously approved a 2011 spending bill that bans funds to finance Durbin's dream.
Durbin's fellow Illinois Democrat, Governor Pat Quinn, has also been an enthusiastic backer of bringing 100 jihadists to this rural corner of the state.
Keep them in Cuba.
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"A dream come true"
Seriously!? Who wants these people around here?
What a self-serving bastard. I really wonder where the money goes. How much do our politicians skim for themselves or their contributors?
I'm glad for this.
Who's to say that later terrorists will be not be shipped to Thomson...
See Obama's 2011 budget, not only is Thomson purchase listed, but renovation expenses for expansion to activate as US Penitentiary are all included...see below pg 3
Good excuse to close Gitmo once budget is approved & Thomson is in hands of feds...even better for Durbin and Obama...they fooled Illinois citizens...
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