Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dingbat Dingell can't figure out why people are angry

Rep. John Dingell (D-General Motors) exemplifies why people are angry with Congress. The Detroit-area Democrat and his former GM-lobbyist-wife, Deborah Dingell, "accumulated millions in GM holdings in the early 2000s." He has raked in almost $1 million in campaign contributions from Big Three automaker sources.

Until last summer, Ms. Dingell was a senior General Motors executive. The federal government is the majority stockholder in GM.

John Dingell was a guest on "The Daily Show" Monday night. When he was asked by host Jon Stewart why voters are angry, the man who has served in Congress since 1955 replied, "People are afraid and frustrated and a lot of times they don't know who they're mad at."

Americans aren't stupid. They're angry at you, dingbat Dingell, and people like you.

Related posts:

After 55 years in Congress, Dingell plans to run for another term
Dingell's tough guy act on Toyota does not impress me
Toyota hearings: 31 Dems rec'd UAW cash

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1 comment:

CJ said...

And people wonder why Michigan is doing oh so very well...
