As to what defines honorable to the alleged woman abuser, steroid user, child support-dodger, "massage parlor" patron--well, I'll leave that to your imagination.
Virtually every elected Illinois Democrat--with the exception (as far as I can tell) of the inept Roland Burris--has called for Cohen to quit the ticket.
But where were these geniuses before Tuesday's election?
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1 comment:
OTOH, I'm glad the old State I was born and grew up in is maintaining it's street cred for corrupt and sleazy politics, but couldn't they at least do it with some flare? At least in Blaze Star Louisiana had a stripper both it and the Governor (Earle K. "Uncle Earle" Long) could be proud of--instead of some faceless, obscure "confidante." Illinois needs to follow Louisiana's example and take more pride! in it's eight-ball politicians, rather than hang it's collective head in shame. "Harden the F**k up!" Illinois, and take the thoroughly justified perverse pride that you have earned in proving that in Illinois "insanity" is defined as electing someone like Jim Edgar.
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