Friday, February 26, 2010

GOP senators rip Holder over terror defense attorneys

The most important responsibility of any government is to protect its citizens. But the Obama administration at times acts as if health care reform and cap and trade are more important endeavors.

ABC News reports:

In an escalating war of words with Attorney General Eric Holder, Senate Republicans are raising "serious concerns" about political appointees at the Justice Department who previously worked on behalf of terror suspects.

The Republicans told Holder in a letter obtained by ABC News that "unanswered questions" about these political appointees "raise serious concerns about who is providing advice on detainee matters." The letter, signed by all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, also accuses the Justice Department of being "nonresponsive" and "intentionally evasive" to questions on this issue.

The Senators are demanding answers about these political appointees by March 12, when Holder is next scheduled to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The Justice Department has acknowledged that at least ten political appointees at the agency previously worked on behalf of detainees in terror cases, including six lawyers who worked as legal counsel for detainees and four who worked for advocacy organizations.

Holder was a controversial pick for attorney general, not just for his role in the Pardongate scandal, but also his appointment by disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich as a special investigator for the Illinois Gaming Board, something he left off his vetting questionnaire that he filled out for then-President-elect Obama.

Holder: Please resign now.

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