Americans want high-speed trains. A lot of people just don't know it yet because they've never experienced one.Let me translate: Schmich is telling morons like myself that what I'm too addle-brained to venture an opinion on this subject.
True, unlike Schmich I've never traveled on a high speed train, but American high speed rail is something I can live without. You see, Mary, I'm concerned with how much it's going to cost. I'm an adult, and quite sometime ago I realized that I may want a lot of things, but I can't afford them all. So I make decisions on what I need and what I don't.
Unfortunately the Barack Obama administration, with the exception of national defense, wants to spend money on whatever thrills them. And a high speed rail network means more than quick trains. It would be a goverment run enterprise staffed by federal employees, represented by government unions.
When high speed rail is presented that way, you'll be surprised, Mary, how few people want it.
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Those darn government unions...
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John, you need to understand that they're just trying to "help" you. Who knew that Amtrak's decades long failure was due to the lack of High Speed Rail?
Are you kidding me? Maybe $1 Billion a mile for a hundred people or more(!) a day to save an hour on their trip to St. Louis? This should pull the economy out of the doldrums and you should get on board. What are you, one of those extremists?
I wonder what the impact to the airline industry will be on this one.
Here’s the deal. Will Americans, now strapped to a multi-generational debt, deprived of retirement and working at Starbucks after twenty- five years at Goldman Sachs, be willing or wanting to zip cross country on Tax funded Rails?
If there is a need for something in America, a young capitalist will invent, develop and sell something - Railroads, Cars, Trucks, Light Bulbs & etc.
Government invents waste and taxes.
Let Government continue to produce what most Americans exect of Government.
If there is to be a high speed rail system, let’s see the new Col. Dodge’s, Commodore Vanderbilt’s, and Jay Gould’s pony up some dough and then go out and hire Micks and Heathen Chinee!
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