As administration officials huddled privately last week, thinking of ways to close the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, many of us hoped that they would think again. President Obama's decision to shut down Guantanamo may have cheered critics of the Bush administration, but the alternatives under consideration show how elusive a satisfying resolution to this issue has become -- and how dangerous closing Guantanamo could be.
Attorney General Eric Holder captured the dilemma after a recent trip to Guantanamo when he offered a glowing report on the facility, said the prisoners were being treated well -- and then reiterated the administration's intent to close it within the year. Holder was less expansive on what the administration plans to do with the detainees after Guantanamo is closed. The reason for his silence: No acceptable alternatives exist.
It's not for lack of trying. Ever since the United States began using Guantanamo as a detention facility after the October 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, government officials and legal scholars have puzzled over what to do with enemy combatants who don't fall into the traditional categories of war. No one denies that the United States is legally entitled to capture and hold enemy fighters and prevent them from returning to battle. But their release and repatriation have proved to be vexing questions, and over time the answers have become both more difficult and more critical.
He goes on...
Some have proposed solving this problem by sending detainees to the United States. The most obvious flaw in this plan is that no one can say where. Two of the likeliest spots, the ADX "SuperMax" facility in Florence, Colo., and Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, are in states that are home to a member of the Cabinet, former Colorado senator Ken Salazar, and an incoming member of the Cabinet, Kansas's Kathleen Sebelius. Both are opposed to using the facilities in their states. When the question of sending detainees to U.S. soil was put to the Senate, the vote against was 94 to 3. It's hard to find anyone anywhere who wants his or her state to house the next Guantanamo.
Other countries don't want "the next Gitmo" either.
Right now, there is no feasible alternative to the Guantanamo Bay detention center.
If one develops, let's take a look.
Oh, don't forget that ex-Gitmo inmates are being recaptured as enemy combatants at an increasingly higher rate.
We need to keep America safe.
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And to think, the Messiah wants to
close Gitmo down.
No longer 'Enemy Combatants;' the terrorists are now euphemized with nuance - Guests of the Nation!
Be OUR Guests
Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride
and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.
And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a
chair as the dining room proudly presents -
your dinner!
Be our guest! Be our guest!
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie
And we'll provide the rest
Soup du jour
Hot hors d'oeuvres
Why, we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff
It's delicious
Don't believe me? Ask the dishes
They can sing, they can dance
After all, Miss, this is France
And a dinner here is never second best
Go on, unfold your menu
Take a glance and then you'll
Be our guest
Oui, our guest
Be our guest!
Lumiere and Chorus:
Beef ragout
Cheese souffle
Pie and pudding "en flambe"
We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret!
You're alone
And you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared
No one's gloomy or complaining
While the flatware's entertaining
We tell jokes! I do tricks
With my fellow candlesticks
And it's all in perfect taste
That you can bet
Come on and lift your glass
You've won your own free pass
To be out guest
If you're stressed
It's fine dining we suggest
Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
Get your worries off your chest
Let us say for your entree
We've an array; may we suggest:
Try the bread! Try the soup!
When the croutons loop de loop
It's a treat for any dinner
Don't belive me? Ask the china
Singing pork! Dancing veal!
What an entertaining meal!
How could anyone be gloomy and depressed?
We'll make you shout "encore!"
And send us out for more
So, be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Mrs Potts:
It's a guest! It's a guest!
Sakes alive, well I'll be blessed!
Wine's been poured and thank the Lord
I've had the napkins freshly pressed
With dessert, she'll want tea
And my dear that's fine with me
While the cups do their soft-shoein'
I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing
I'll get warm, piping hot
Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot?
Clean it up! We want the company impressed
We've got a lot to do!
Mrs Potts:
Is it one lump or two?
For you, our guest!
She's our guest!
Mrs Potts:
She's our guest!
She's our guest!
Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
Life is so unnerving
For a servant who's not serving
He's not whole without a soul to wait upon
Ah, those good old days when we were useful...
Suddenly those good old days are gone
Ten years we've been rusting
Needing so much more than dusting
Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills!
Most days we just lay around the castle
Flabby, fat and lazy
You walked in and oops-a-daisy!
Be our guest! Be our guest!
Our command is your request
It's been years since we've had anybody here
And we're obsessed
With your meal, with your ease
Yes, indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight's still glowing
Let us help you, We'll keep going
Course by course, one by one
'Til you shout, "Enough! I'm done!"
Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest
Tonight you'll prop your feet up
But for now, let's eat up
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Please, be our guest!
By Presidential Fiat - No Longer Enemy Combatants - They Are Guests of the Nation!
What do we have for our guests Barry?
'Why each Gitmo Guest will be presented with Ramsey Clark's Client List:
Nazi concentration camp commandant Karl Linnas
Nazi War criminal Jack Reimer, charged in the killings of Jews in Warsaw.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Advisory Board during late 1970s and early 1980s
Branch Davidian leader David Koresh
FMLN activist Jennifer Casolo
Antiwar activist Father Philip Berrigan and the Harrisburg Seven
Political figure Lyndon Larouche
American Indian prisoner Leonard Peltier
Attended the Crimes of America conference in Tehran in 1980
Liberian political figure Charles G. Taylor during his 1985 fight against extradition from the United States to Liberia
Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, a leader in the Rwandan genocide
Palestinian Liberation Organization leaders in a lawsuit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer.
Camilo Mejia, a US soldier who deserted his post in March 2004 in protest against the US war against Iraq.
Defense attorney for three killers of Officer Bruce Prothero, Baltimore County (Maryland) Police Department.
Radovan Karadžić, former Bosnian Serb politician, accused war criminal
Slobodan Milošević, former President of Serbia and of FR Yugoslavia, accused war criminal
Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq and convicted war criminal
Lori Berenson, an American convicted of support of the MRTA guerrilla in Peru
Joe "Mad Dog" Sullivan, a contract killer.
A Gilt Engraved Koran ( Quran)published by Spartacus press!
The Oprah Show DVD Collection 1981-2008
Forty ( 40) former Virgins - Hey, you didn't set it off there, Mustapha.
The Dixie Chicks DVD Collection
Susan Sarandon
Two cartons of Marlboro Lights weekly.
On-line Gaming provided by Google
Enjoy your stay with us!
Wow Pat...
Couldn't you just have posted a YouTube link to Joel Grey?
(And now I'll have that stupid song running through my head until someone mentions Queen's "We Will Rock You"!)
My suggestion-
We're taking entirely too many prisoner, putting our brave troops at risk. No more "guests" please.
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