Oh, this is the third version of Roland Burris explanation of how he ended up getting appointed to Barack Obama's old Senate seat.
From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's brother solicited U.S. Sen. Roland Burris for up to $10,000 in campaign cash before Blagojevich named Burris to the coveted post -- something Burris initially failed to disclose under oath before an Illinois House impeachment panel, records and interviews show.
Burris (D-Ill.) acknowledges being hit up for the money in a new affidavit he has sent to the head of the House committee that recommended Blagojevich be removed from office.
The affidavit is dated Feb. 5 -- three weeks after Burris was sworn in to replace President Obama in the Senate.
Burris -- who did not give money to the Blagojevich campaign fund in response to the previously undisclosed solicitation -- provided a copy of the sworn statement to the Chicago Sun-Times Friday in response to questions about his contacts with the Blagojevich camp about fund-raising.
Burris should think about renting a place to live in Washington, rather than buying a home there.
And I don't believe we are done with this story.
Burris? Stick a fork in him, he's done. He might be able to race-bait his way to a Democratic primary win next year, but he can't win the general election. Burris could have done what Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Chicago) did. Say "No" to Blago's offer.
Next week Burris plans to return to Illinois for a "listening tour."
Related post:
Burris: Without me, there'd be no President Obama
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I wonder what he's going to be listening to. :P
Tomatoes flying over his head from the less skilled hurlers...
From the more talented ones...
Illinois - The Land of L..., no, the Land of Crooked Politicians.
Ah, it speaks!
From a commenter at Gateway Pundit:
“There is a system [of] checks and balances in my political machine. For instance, Roland Burris wrote a check to Blagojevich who added it to his bank balance.”
More popcorn anyone?
Meh ... at least Obama had a locked vote for the stimulus package.
And, Obama knows the three RINOs he can count on.
Burris is now disposable.
Yes Mouser it speaks, and smells
like Bulls**t!
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