Sandi didn't get the job, and Blago told the congressman, "You know I was considering your wife for the lottery job and the $25,000 you didn't give me? That's why she's not getting the job."
According to news reports, Jackson began his work as an informer on Blagojevich and other matters after that incident.
Here's the part I don't understand: If all of this is true, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, then why did Junior aggressively campaign--more than any other candidate--to have Blagojevich name him as Barack Obama's replacement in the US Senate.
And where does the Blagojevich fundraiser held on December 6, which the governor and Jackon's brother attended, fit in?
Something's missing here, folks. It's like ham bone soup without the ham bone.
But that $25,000 figure is dead on, according to the Daily Herald:
In April, the Chicago Tribune reported that an examination of campaign donations to Blagojevich showed that three in four donors who gave exactly $25,000 received administration favors such as state board appointments or contracts.
It's also the same amount of money that figured prominently in the testimony of a government witness in the political corruption trial this summer of political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko.
Ali Ata, the former executive director of the Illinois Finance Authority testified that Blagojevich spoke encouragingly about getting him a job in his administration after he personally brought him a $25,000 campaign contribution.
As for Jackson, his family, led of course by his famous father, has quietly built a small political machine on Chicago's South Side.
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Dang me if I don't think Triple J has been triangulated on this one - Rahmbo,Blago and Obama seem to want a serious diminishment of Jesse Jackson, Jr..
Blago is Lepidus in this Triumvirate and now awaiting exile to Ultima Thule.
Rahmbo and Kid Hope are merely setting their own table and by eliminating or marginalizing Jesse Jackson, Jr. they can call the tune for the Post-Daley Chicago Giveaway Sale. Hyde Park types factor in as well with hopes of becoming a later-day 19th Ward.
As if.
Hyde Park is an amature's sandbox of think tankers, tweedy salonistas, more than maleable and corruptable politcians.
Someone please pass the rubber
ceement for Billy Ray Ayers.
Bill Clinton has nothing on George
Bush when it comes to mishaps.
Ah, another Abti democrat blog site.
Another reject from the CPS!
The Douch Bag Times Blog, smelly
and riddled with Anti democrat
This is your Utopia of B.S!
More like Pubes P.H!
Man, slow down....
What is the dealeo with Anonymous?
Happy Kwanza Mr. Pundit.....
Hickey-up Beard-o Down. Blago has
been skewered enough!
You are a biggot Mr. Pundit, you
praise a man like G.W. Bush who has
helped put this country in the red.
The Rod Blagojevich scandel is
kitten play compared to the mess
your boy George W. is leaving
behind! Anyone posting a comment
that doesn't match your own views
you delete! Way to go Mr. Pundit,
Marathonh8tr had you truly do
suck! It's not any surprise
you're tracking Anonymous
commenters. It kinda defeats the
purpose of having Anonymous
option on the blog!!!
Happy Kwanza Mr. Pundit!
Welcome to Hate Monger central.
With all the prejudice in this
country, Mr. Pundit and his
minions deem it necessary to
smear anyone who disagrees with
their point of view. Including, but
not limited to the democratic
party! Republicans are making
scape goats out of the democrats,
and shme on them. (Biggot Pundit)
and his Biggoted minions!
This post has broken out in hives.
He he he......
Grow some jewels you gaseous piece
of S**T!!!!!!
I agree with the now, permenatly
silenced Anonymous!!!!
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