Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Chambliss the champ in Georgia Senate runoff

There not be a filibuster proof majority for the Democrats in the 111th Congress. Incumbent Republican Saxby Chambliss has defeated Democrat Jim Martin.

It's a big defeat for the Dems. Key issues the majority party has been pushing include union "card check" and the reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine.

I can't see any Republican supporting either issue, and I believe Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would have been able to pick off a Democrat or two had they come to the floor of the Senate.

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yo said...


Greybeard said...


Anonymous said...

ahh that's great news!

Unknown said...

seriously. The democratic illuminati candidate used the guy who penned "hoes in every area code" to help in his campaigning. He deserved to lose, if for no other reason.