Morton Grove, Illinois, where I live, repealed its 27 year-old handgun ban. The northern suburb of Chicago gained national fame--some would say infamy--by becoming the first town in America to make possessing a handgun illegal.
Gun violence in Morton Grove wasn't a problem before the ban was put in place, nor was it afterwards, and for the foreseeable future, it won't be.
Hats off to Mayor Richard Krier--I voted for him--and the five village board members who for making owning a handgun legal here. And thanks for saving the village thousands of dollars in legal fees--the National Rifle Association had promised to sue Morton Grove after the United State Supreme Court affirmed last month that the Second Amendment permits individuals to own handguns.
As for buying a gun? I don't see that happening. Violent crime is rare here. And I'm a lovable guy, who would want to hurt me?
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Washington D.C. had the highest murder rate by guns despite their total gun ban. It seems that some people never learn, or don't want to know, that criminals don't obey gun laws, or any other law. I believe that in Switzerland, all homeowners are required to own a gun, yet they have the lowest rate of gun violence in the world.
Chicago is five miles south of me. Handguns are illegal, gun deaths are high.
Got fire insurance on your house, John?
Ever had a fire?
I understand you think you don't need a handgun, and if you are uncomfortable with them, don't buy one. But I'm a former Boy Scout. The corollary to "Be Prepared" is-
"It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it."
I'm hopeful I'll never need any of the seven various calibre pistols, or three long guns my wife and I collectively own. But if I lived in Chicago, and I knew the possiblity of riots after a certain candidate was defeated in the upcoming election had even the SLIGHTEST chance of coming true...
I'd be glad to lay my hands on my .45 Automatic.
But that's just me.
Interesting point, GB.
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