But first an aside: Last week I drove to Chicago's South Side on blog related business. One of my stops was Wright's former house of worship, Trinity United Church of Christ to take some photographs. The neighborhood is almost entirely African American, so the sight of a white man standing on a median on one of Chicago's busiest streets with a camera--in front of Chicago's most notorious church--was not well-received. Horns were honking constantly, and one woman slowed down, rolled down her car window, and pointedly waived her finger at me in disapproval.
I was wearing a White Sox cap, she must have been a Cubs fan.
Behind Trinity there is a parking lot with room for about fifty cars, it was almost full, there was a quite a bit of coming-and-going on the church grounds--and this was a Friday afternoon, not a Sunday morning. Trinity appears to be a seven-days a week church.
Back to the Moyers interview: Not surprisingly, Trinity's pastor emeritus tells Moyers he is misunderstood and is being treated unfairly. Still, he'll soon be moving into a $1,000,000 church-owned house miles away from Trinity, in the almost completely white-suburb of Tinley Park.

Audacity! I wish I'd be treated as unfairly.
ABC 7 Chicago has more:
Obama's former pastor reflected for the first time publicly on the firestorm of controversy that followed the 24-7 airing of his most inflammatory comments during sermons about American racism and foreign policy.
"Those who are doing that are communicating exactly what they want to do, which is to paint me as some sort of fanatic," Wright said.
"What do you think they wanted to communicate?" Moyers asked.
"I think they wanted to communicate that I am unpatriotic and I am un-American, that I am filled with hate speech. And by the way, guess who goes to his church? Hint, hint, hint," said Wright.
Yeah, we know, presidential candidate Barack Obama is a member. But remember folks, that ABC and Fox News purchased DVDs of Wright's sermons from Trinity's web site. The pastor said what he said, and parishioners wildly cheered the Reverend's toxic statements. What was communicated by Fox, ABC and others came out of Wright's mouth.

After I completed the photo shoot, I drove around a bit, and stopped in front of this modest bungalow, which is exactly ten block's south of Trinity United Church of Christ. That's my first home, at 10536 S. Eggleston, where I lived from 1961-1968.
I wonder if my beloved sandbox is still in the back yard?
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Did Trinity build an amusement park with church funds as well, or they only do that in the south?
Your account of harassing a black church with your camera is creepy and inappropriate. I can't for the life of me figure out how we have reached a point in this country where people would possibly think otherwise.
How can I harrass a building with acamera? The church is on one of the busiest streets in Chicago, and I never ventured closer to the place than the sidewalk.
obama says, "i did not know that man, rev. wright."
this preacher is a disgrace.
I saw him on tv yelling barracks middle name over and over...
He makes me not trust preachers and I hope every person in his church send him a note of good - bye for good.
Preacher trash.....horrible
thank you for not deleting my earlier comment. you must believe in freedom and democracy.
at least i think so. i presume you are an obama supporter, but actually i don't know if you are...
mrs. obama says americans raise their kids to be timid.
i think it might not be rev. wright has to worry about. he should worry about the one sharing a bed with him.
correction: obama needs to worry about his wife's mouth more than wright's.
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