But he's awfully silent about his friend of 18 years, Antoin "Tony" Rezko.
From Lynn Sweet in the Chicago Sun-Times:
Obama has never agreed to an interview about Rezko with the reporters from the Chicago papers who know the story the best, and it has not been for lack of trying. My Sun-Times colleagues who are investigating Rezko have pressed for a chance to talk to Obama about Rezko.
At issue is trying to put together the whole story about Obama and Rezko -- all of which speaks to Obama's judgment, his main selling point as he seeks the presidency and seems positioned to win the Democratic nomination.
The Obama campaign's response to the conference call was to put out a statement reminding people that Clinton did not release her tax returns and Obama did, and that her first lady records are still under wraps. After I asked if that diversionary tactic was their response, I was given a sheet with excerpts of news stories that concluded Obama has done nothing wrong.
Not very inspirational. Fine...don't talk about it, Senator. Let it continue to grow as an issue.
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