Monday, February 18, 2008

Chicken feed from the mean, nasty left

Yesterday my traffic got a huge spike for no apparent reason. I found out this afternoon why. A blog that I've never heard of called Sadly, No! selected me for their target of abuse.

They didn't like my latest Bill Ayers post. But if I got them upset enough to doctor my Facebook photograph to make me some sort of gay street performer, then I must be doing something right for the cause of securing a Republican victory in November.

And for all of the talk of how mean and nasty conservatives are, just read the comment thread of the offending post to see where bile rises from. I do want to take back one thing I said there. I blurted out that Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, were cockroaches. I take that back--Cockroaches have never made bombs, so it was unfair to that resilient species to lump them in with Ayers and Dohrn. Please forgive me, my brown, six-legged friends.

As for Sadly, No: Well, one of their ads portrays a Democratic donkey in the dominant carnal position with a GOP elephant.

Who are the vicious ones?

On the other hand, a blog hit is a blog hit, and please patronize the advertisers.

Oh, the headline of my post. Sadly, No! is accusing me of choking chickens. Metaphorically speaking of course.

I think I'll hang out at Democratic Underground. They're so much kinder there.

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Anonymous said...

when your stupid posts are seen by those other than your ignorant following it can be quite embarrassing, no?

Marathon Pundit said...

Embarrasing to whom?

JD Rhoades said...

Poor baby....

Anonymous said...

I'm honestly surprised that there were 300+ comments on Sadly, No.

Hell, I'm surprised that POS site gets 300 hits in a day.

Whatever, John ... to be targeted by a group of smug yet ignorant, caring yet narcissist, diaper dampening hypocrites is a badge of honor.

Sadly, No could be the down-syndrome addled hermaphroditic little brother/sister of the most close minded site, the Huffington Post.

Let 'em splash about in the crapulence of their blog comments - at least it keeps them from walking into traffic.

Heh ... "Modern Liberals" are neither.

Marathon Pundit said...

Thanks, YO

pathickey said...


Not only are these cockroaches chock-full of hubris, but they are also characteristically cheap cockroaches.

The numbnuts doing the whining for Billy Boy have that skip-step that blocks what they read from what should be retained. They'll make fine activists.

Anonymous said...

It's amusing that you're outraged by silly graphics and are not offended by the criminal and heinous behaviour of the officials you unreservedly support no matter what they do. I'm offended by illegal wiretaps, the betrayal of the CIA agent, torture, illegal stupid pointless wars that kill and maim tens of thousands of people, and a dry drunk president who can't string three words together without making a complete fool of himself.

You're offended by a graphic of a donkey getting some. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

The fact is, SadlyNo are a bunch of classwarring stupid dumb idiot stupid childish namecalling twit dirt fags and are inacapable of any serious discourse or anything but namecalling and never use facts or logic, unlike us

Ellis Weiner said...

You go, Gar!

Anonymous said...

As for Sadly, No: Well, one of their ads portrays a Democratic donkey in the dominant carnal position with a GOP elephant.

That Elephant was into it! Later, I saw it smoking a cigarette with a blisseed-out expression on its snout.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, why in the world would anybody take offense at a specious link between Obama and a man who was a radical...40 years ago?

Those mean old people at Sadly, No! Why, they should just be spanked, that's what!

Anonymous said...

Wow, somebody got Yo a thesaurus.

You go, Yo.

Anonymous said...

Crybaby Conservative much?

Anonymous said...

You probably get this a lot, Ruberry, but you're kind of an ignorant dick.

Anonymous said... must really suck to be so wrong so often.

Anonymous said...

"are a bunch of classwarring stupid dumb idiot stupid childish namecalling twit dirt fags and are inacapable of any serious discourse or anything but namecalling and never use facts or logic, unlike us"

That's some intelligent discourse there, Gary. You hypocritical ass.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I call shenanigans. This is clearly a faux republican blog.