Who are the Madigan 15? They are the Republican-in-name only members of the Illinois House of Representatives who voted for Democratic Boss Michael Madigan's 32 percent increase tax increase.
Illinois' reform governor, Republican Bruce Rauner, vetoed the tax hike because it contained no reforms to offset the damage. Rauner, and many Illinoisans, are seeking structural changes such as term limits, workers compensation reforms, and property tax freezes.
Madigan's bill has none of those things.
Here are the email addresses of the betrayers of the state GOP and hardworking Illinoisans who are struggling to get by and cannot afford a tax increase.
In your message be firm and civil.
Absolutely do not even make a hint at violence.
You may want to send the Madigan graphic that was created by the patriots at the Illinois Policy Institute.
1. Steve Andersson, steve@staterep65.com
2. Terri Bryant, staterepterribryant@gmail.com
3. John Cavaletto--
click on link.
4. C.D. Davidsmeyer, davidsmeyer@ilhousegop.org
5. Mike Fortner, mike.fortner@sbcglobal.net
6. Norine Hammond, rephammond@macomb.com
7. David Harris, repharris@yahoo.com,
8. Chad Hays,
click on link.
9. Sarah Jimenez, sjimenez@ilhousegop.org
10. Charles Meier, repcmeier@gmail.com
11. Bill Mitchell, repmitchell@earthlink.net
12. Reginald Phillips,
click on link.
13. Robert Pritchard, bob@pritchardstaterep.com
14. David Reis,
click on link.
15. Michael Unes, repunes@gmail.com.
UPDATE July 9: Don't forget
Sen. Dale Righter of Mattoon, the sole Republican in the upper chamber to vote for the Madigan tax hike.