Chicago's South Side |
President Donald J. Trump often speaks of the "failing New York Times."
He should also refer to America's third-most populous city--for now--as "failing Chicago."
Once every eighteen months or so a Chicago alderman
is sentenced to federal prison. Ald. Willie Cochran (20th)
is currently under federal indictment. Chicago is losing population, it has the
worst-funded pension plans of any big cities, and last year more people were murdered in Chicago than in the larger cities of New York and Los Angeles--combined.
Today one of Cochran's colleagues on the failing City Council, Ameya Pawar, a Democrat who is running for governor of the failing state of Illinois, introduced a resolution calling for the impeachment of Trump.
Pawar has far better things to do, such as preparing Chicago and Illinois for their inevitable bankruptcies, even though,
as with the case of Puerto Rico, it may be called something else.
From a Pawar press release:
Alderman Ameya Pawar announces resolution calling for impeachment of President Donald Trump
CHICAGO--Ameya Pawar, 47th Ward alderman, today announced he is introducing a resolution to the Chicago City Council urging the United States House of Representatives to initiate an investigation to determine if there is sufficient grounds for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. Ald. Pawar will file the resolution to be considered by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting on May 24.
“Donald Trump has sought to divide our country from the very beginning of his campaign, purposefully pitting communities against one another to keep us fighting over scraps, while the power brokers and big corporations at the top continue to benefit,” Pawar said.
“The President and his administration is actively and deliberately causing harm to the American people, and Trump’s possible interference with Department of Justice investigations into Russian involvement with our election is the latest instance of the President placing the integrity of our nation’s democracy at risk and undermining the rule of law.
“Today, the City of Chicago and the American people must stand united against this illegitimate presidency and resist Donald Trump’s anti-American agenda. Together, we must fight the forces of evil which aim to dismantle our democracy and call upon our elected Representatives in Congress to do the right thing and investigate the President’s actions to determine, once and for all, if he is unfit to serve as our Commander and Chief.”
As the third largest city in the nation, the City of Chicago represents 2.7 million residents who are directly impacted by President Trump’s executive orders targeting people based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, and disability status. The President’s agenda threatens people's quality of life and, in many cases, directly violates the United States Constitution and erodes the spirit of our democracy. If passed, Chicago would be the largest city in the country to pass such a resolution.
WHEREAS, Many businesses receive, and streams of income include, emoluments from foreign governments, states of the United States, or the United States itself; and
WHEREAS, Leading constitutional scholars and government ethics experts warned Donald J. Trump shortly after the November 2016 election that, unless he fully divested his businesses and invested the money in conflict-free assets or a blind trust, he would violate the Constitution from the moment he took office; and
WHEREAS, Leading constitutional scholars and government ethics experts warned Donald J. Trump shortly after the November 2016 election that, unless he fully divested his businesses and invested the money in conflict-free assets or a blind trust, he would violate the Constitution from the moment he took office; and
WHEREAS, On Jan 11, 2017, nine days before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump announced a plan that would, if carried out, remove him from day-to-day operations of his businesses, but not eliminate any of the ongoing flow of emoluments from foreign governments, state governments, or the United States government; and
WHEREAS, On Jan 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump took the oath of office and became President of the United States; and
WHEREAS, From the moment he took office, President Trump was in violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause and the Domestic Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution; and
WHEREAS, during the campaign, Donald Trump promoted a ban on Muslims entering the country, denigrating Mexican immigrants, people of color, the disabled, our LGTBQ neighbors, Gold Star families, women, indigenous communities, and Jews; and
WHEREAS, after taking office, Donald Trump has worked to implement his Muslim ban, defund Planned Parenthood, discriminate against our LGBTQ neighbors, attack Historically Black Universities, pollute and destroy our environment, foment divisions between black and brown communities, propose cuts to the arts, public broadcasting, and programs to protect the Great Lakes; and
WHEREAS, and more recently on May 16, 2017, it was reported that Donald Trump sought to obstruct the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation into Russian interference in the November 2016 election by instructing the Bureau’s Director to abandon their efforts; and
WHEREAS, These potential violations undermine the integrity of the Presidency, corruptly advance the personal wealth of the President, compromise the rule of law in the United States, and violate the public trust; and
WHEREAS, Our democracy is premised on the bedrock principle that no one is above the law, not even the President of the United States; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Council of the City of Chicago call upon the United States House of Representatives to support a resolution authorizing and directing the House Committee on the Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, including but not limited to the violations listed herein; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be provided to the members of the United States House of Representatives on behalf of the Chicago City Council.
Pawar wants see Trump impeached for "cuts to the arts, public broadcasting?"
Clearly he has Trump Derangement Syndrome. Oh, when will Pawar's resolution calling for the resignation of Cochran be filed?
Oh many thanks go to Pawar's office for emailing this news release to me. Hugs and kisses from me to you!
Oh this blog enthusiastically endorses Illinois' reform governor, Republican Bruce Rauner, for reelection.
Click here to contribute to the campaign fund of the Land of Lincoln's only hope.