Thursday, April 12, 2018

Deerfield IL bans assault weapons, NRA sues

I'm a bit late with this story but it needs to be told, no matter the time line. Deerfield, Illinois, which lies about ten miles north of Marathon Pundit world headquarters, is violating the constitutional rights of gun owners. Luckily someone has the back of patriots.

More from NBC Chicago:
After a suburban village passed an ordinance banning assault weapons, a lawsuit was filed to get the new law overturned.

According to the organization Guns for Life, they are filing a lawsuit against Deerfield, calling the new ordinance “gun confiscation.”

"We are pleased to announce a lawsuit challenging the Village of Deerfield’s gun confiscation ordinance," the organization’s website said. "Banning one of the most effective guns widely in use by America’s nearly 100 million gun owners will only serve to protect criminals, lunatics, and terrorists."

According to the language of the ordinance, it will be against the law for a person to "carry, keep, bear, transport, or possess an assault weapon in the village," unless the gun is broken down, not immediately accessible, or unloaded and locked in a case.

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