Friday, July 01, 2005

NBC's Brian Williams equates our founding fathers to Iranian terrorists, named ABP's "Buffoon of the Week."

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin:

From NBC's Brian Williams web log, June 30, 4:15pm entry

Many Americans woke up to a curious story this morning: several of the former Iran Hostages have decided there is a strong resemblance between Iran's new president and one of their captors more than 25 years ago. The White House and most official branches of government are ducking any substantive comment on this story, and photo analysis is going on at this and other news organizations. It is a story that will be at or near the top of our broadcast and certainly made for a robust debate in our afternoon editorial meeting, when several of us raised the point (I'll leave it to others to decide germaneness) that several U.S. presidents were at minimum revolutionaries, and probably were considered terrorists of their time by the Crown in England.

Our friends at Ankle Biting Pundits did not let this go unnoticed, he was named their "Buffoon of the Week."

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