Thursday, April 26, 2018

Joyless Reid utilizes the Weiner hacking defense in explaining her anti-gay blog posts

When she was a nobody, MSNBC leftist Joy "Joyless" Reid wrote several anti-gay blog posts. When they were discovered, she used that same fake excuse that that disgraced former Democratic congressman--and now federal inmate---used. She was hacked.

That didn't happen.

Tucker Carlson has more as we learn that NBC is fostering Reid's lie.

Yes, a news organization is lying.

She also fat-shamed a lesbian, Rosie O'Donnell, labeling her a "chubbed out shrew" a while back.

And then there is the former governor or Florida.

From Mediaite:

The MSNBC weekend host ran a blog called The Reid Report — which is the same name as her now-defunct cable news show — a decade ago while she wrote for the Miami Herald. As first resurfaced by Twitter user Jamie_Maz, Reid wrote numerous bigoted blog posts smearing, mocking, and attacking former Florida governor Charlie Crist. These rants included calling Crist “Miss Charlie” and sarcastically using the tags “gay politicians” and “not gay politicians” — despite the fact that the twice-married, heterosexual man has never come-out as gay.

Reid went on to spread the crackpot conspiracy theory that Crist was actually a closeted gay man who refused to come out for fear that his sexual orientation would hurt his political career. Additionally, the AM Joy host claims Crist’s marriages to women are part of this elaborate cover up.

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