Wednesday, December 31, 2014

War on Coal: Mine closings in Kentucky kill 670 jobs

Mississippi River coal barge
On Monday Patriot Coal Corporation closed two western Kentucky mines. On New Year's Eve the company announced the mines will be closed. The effects will be felt beyond Kentucky, as a Republican member of Illinois' Saline County Board, Joe Jackson, points out.

From the Southern Illinoisan:
Jackson said the negative impact on Saline County is from regulations placed on coal mines by the government.

"We know that those places wouldn't be closing if it wasn't for (President) Obama and the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the regulations on burning coal,” he said.

State Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, said while the shutdown does affect residents in his area, he is not sure how many people were impacted.

"I have no idea how many because I haven't heard from anybody," he said.
Obama--and the Democratic Party which Phelps belongs to--are waging a war on coal. And jobs.

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