Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Truax statement on Obama's State of the Union address

I had to work late tonight and I caught only the last twenty minutes of Obama's State of the Union address. What I heard had a nice melodic cadence to it, but so do bird calls, and birds are unable to fix human problems.

Doug Truax, a Republican running for the US Senate seat currently occupied by Dick Durbin, issued this statement about the SOTU:
President Obama, Dick Durbin and their liberal allies in Congress are offering more failed ideas and political slogans to the American people instead of real solutions. Democrats used to follow the wise economic logic of JFK, who said "a rising tide lifts all boats." Instead, Democrats in 2014 say shooting at the larger boats will help the smaller boats. The poor and middle class continue to suffer under Obama and Durbin policies during the worst economic recovery in history. Since Durbin last ran for re-election, 379,200 fewer Illinoisans are employed. The way to help all American families is get government out of the way, simplify and reform the tax code, replace Obamacare and stop stifling American energy production.
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