Monday, January 13, 2014

Judge: Crooked ex-Chicago alderman achieved "corruption trifecta," gets extra 2½ year sentence

Chicago's Grant Park
A former member of Chicago's disreputable City Council is now an alderman for the ages.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Telling three-times convicted former Chicago alderman Ambrosio Medrano that he had pulled off an "unprecedented . . . corruption trifecta," a federal judge on Monday tacked an extra 2½ years onto the end of the 10½-year prison term the disgraced politician was handed last week.

U.S. District Judge John Tharp gave the disgraced politician the additional 30 months for paying a bribe to seal a dirty deal to win medical contracts from Los Angeles County.

Though another federal judge, Gary Feinerman, had just four days earlier handed Medrano 10½ years for a similar scam in Cook County, and Medrano’s lawyer warned that any extra time would like be a "death sentence" for the diabetic 60-year-old, Tharp said he needed to send a message that "there is no free pass for public corruption."

The sentence means that Medrano — already the only former Chicago alderman to be convicted of public corruption on more than occasion — has now been given more total federal prison time than any public official in Chicago history.
The sum of his sentences is 15½ years, which beats the previous record by six months previously held by a judge who fixed murder trials.

When he emerges from prison, hopefully Medrano will be an older and wiser man.

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