Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Mark Dice: Disney ruins ANOTHER classic film with woke affirmative action race-swap...

Disney's Snow White remake isn't called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs because the multi-racial group of seven includes only one dwarf. Snow White, as described in the Grimm Brothers story has "skin as white as snow." The actress portraying Snow White in the woke Disney remake is Hispanic. 

Hey Disney, why not--here's a bold idea--produce an original story for once. Or find another Grimm Brothers tale to base a film on. There are over 150 of them to choose from.

Disney's woke remake of The Little Mermaid was similarly multi-racial and it starred Halle Bailey as Ariel. At best it will break even at the box office.

No one is asking for a Caucasian re-do of The Lion King. Now that was a great movie. 

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