Mark my words, they'll pull more dopey, yet chillingly scary, stunts between now and Election Day.
As for Barack Obama, this latest incident is just another tip-off that he is not part of the mainstream. Any self-respecting American would view that hideous seal as a sign of disrespect.
And Obama wants to be our head of state?
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I'm just happy the logo is gone, this whole Obama campaign has been obnoxious enough as it is.
Is that the bet you got? Eagles on logos is commonplace; see these GOP examples:
The best we've got? No. We're keeping our powder dry.
Unlike those GOP seals, the Cult of Change followers didn't make the seal look cartoonish, and they didn't add mock-Latin, similar to my headline.
Here's what John Kass said in the Chicago Tribune:
Is Obama a bad man? Of course not. He might make a decent president someday (sic), once he rids himself of the lingering desire to stamp his "Obama for America" campaign seals on his lecterns, like the one with that almost presidential eagle, which looks like something designed for Dr. Evil by a lovingly devoted Mini Me.
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