Friday, April 30, 2010

British ObamaCare update: Fighting waste is not so easy

One of the most tired selling points of ObamaCare is that by weeding out "waste, fraud, and abuse," we can afford to insure 30 million additional Americans.

Great Britain's National Health Service has had six decades to work on that. Tonight I'm looking only at the first one, waste.

From the BBC:

Patients in Herefordshire are being urged to cancel unnecessary repeat prescriptions which cost the NHS at least £1m ($1.5 million) a year.

The county's primary care trust said returned pills and creams have to be incinerated as they cannot be reused.

The trust said £1m could fund 140 heart bypass operations or 30 more community nurses.

It is urging hospital patients to bring prescribed drugs with them to cut down on waste.

Sue Hickman, a pharmacist with the trust, told BBC Hereford & Worcester: "That £1m could be used to buy more useful things rather than just burning it.
Well of course it can. First of all, who is writing these prescriptions? Secondly, Herefordshire is one of Britain's most sparsely-populated counties. If the NHS can't fight waste there, where can it fight it?

When everything is free, everybody pays.

And exactly how will Obama fight waste?

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