Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Mark Dice: The Craziest Woman Ever on Cable News

Who is the craziest woman on cable news? Mark Dice says it's GQ Magazine columnist Julia Ioffe.

“I think this president, one of the things that he really launched his presidential run on is talking about Islamic radicalization," Ioffe said on CNN earlier this week, "and this president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did."

host Jake Tapper nodded and said nothing to correct this lunatic.

Not to be out crazied was CNN's Don Lemon who said last night, "“We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”

Why hasn't Lemonhead been fired yet?

(PragerU) Illegal Immigration: It's About Power

At one time liberals such as Jerry Brown, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden vehemently opposed illegal immigration.

What changed? Democrats ascertained that illegals who become legal almost always vote Democratic.

It's about power, Tucker Carlson educates.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

MSNBC reporter surprised to find Hispanics supporting GOP and opposing illegal immigraton

By dividing and sub-dividing Americans, Democrats will eventually learn that identity politics is a road to defeat.

I'm shocked that MSNBC even aired this piece.

Hope for the future: New York Magazine finds a dozen leftists who probably won't vote

New York Magazine, a far-left publication, tracked down 13 fellow travelers who explain, despite their liberal views, why they probably won't vote.

Red wave, anyone?

Trump plans executive order to end birthright citizenship

Personally, I'd rather have Congress pass a bill and then have the president sign it.

But "anchor babies" are a problem.

From NBC Chicago:
President Donald Trump is planning to attempt to end birthright citizenship by executive order, Trump told news outlet Axios, which reported the move would apply to children of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born in the United States.

It's his latest appeal to anti-immigration supporters in the country and comes on the eve of the midterm elections. But such an order may violate the Constitution.
The 14th Amendment grants citizenship to "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," as well as to the children of citizens.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1898 in the case of a child born to Chinese parents in the U.S. that the amendment "includes the children born, within the territory of the United States, of all other persons, of whatever race or color, domiciled within the United States."

But Trump insisted to Axios, in an interview clip released Tuesday morning, that both he and Congress have the power to revoke that right when a reporter mentioned some legal scholars who believe that birthright citizenship is not enshrined in the Constitution.

On this day in 1918: Turks sign armistice, ending World War I in the Middle East

The ending of empires began 100 years ago today when the Armistice of Mudros by Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire. The successor state of the latter is Turkey. Britain and its allies won, the Turks lost.

It was the Turks who committed the Armenian Genocide, which is an atrocity Turkey has never admitted.

Never forget.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Mark Dice: Democrats Are Getting Scared

There's a serious push by the Republican Party to recruit African Americans. Which has the Democrats freaking out because without monolithic black support, Mark Dice, explains, the Dems cannot do well in the midterms.

Oh, the fake news media ignored the 5,000 people who participated in the #WalkAway march in Washington. Walk away, as in walk away from the Democratic Party.

From Doug Ross, HELPFUL MAP: Your Road to the Polls

For my fellow patriots voting either early or next Tuesday, you'll encounter an obstacle course on your way to the polls. Doug Ross has a  diagram for you.

Halloween weekend in Chiraq: 5 dead and at least 38 wounded

Dan Ryan Expressway
Every weekend is scary in parts of Chicago. As for the Halloween weekend, five people were murdered and at least 38 others were wounded.

All of the fatalities were South Side incidents. Three in Englewood, one in Calumet Heights, and one in Chicago Lawn.

Also on the South Side early this morning three people were wounded in yet another expressway shooting.

Friday, October 26, 2018

My statement on the arrest of the mail bomber

Earlier today a whackjob, Cesar Sayoc, an ex-con who claims to be a Native American, was arrested allegedly mailing bombs to prominent Democrats and CNN's New York offices.

Many in the left-wing media are blaming the actions of Sayoc, an ex-con who is a fervent supporter of Donald Trump, on the president.

Let me ask you something: When Trump was still a reality TV star and someone who was a very vocal critic of Barack Obama, did he say, "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!"

No. US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) made those incendiary remarks about the Trump administration this summer. Name one Democratic leader who denounced Waters for those comments.

Do it. There's a comment section here.

And of course the president, the first Republican commander-in-chief in my lifetime to fight back against the biased mainstream media, never called for attacking Democrats.

Famously Michelle Obama said of opponents of her husband, "When they go low we go high." Earlier this month, Eric Holder, formerly our nation's top law enforcement official, amended that by declaring, "When they go low, we kick them."

Antifa, in my opinion, is a terrorist group. Okay, maybe you believe that's a stretch. They are certainly intimidating and yes, violent. Name one liberal politician who has condemned Antifa. I don't know of any. Name a Democratic leader who has criticized Holder's hateful rhetoric.

A year-and-half ago a former volunteer for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, James Hodgkinson, stumbled across a baseball field where a congressional team was practicing. Hodgkinson inquired weather it was a Republican or a Democratic squad, when told it was the former, he fetched his gun and started shooting. The GOP House whip, Steve Scalise, was seriously wounded. Also shot were a Capitol police officer, a lobbyist, and a congressional aide.

Even though Democratic leaders afforded on post-inauguration "honeymoon" and were calling for their supporters to "resist" Trump, no GOP leaders, let alone anyone notable from the small conservative media, blamed the Democrats for those shootings. Nor did any of them blame left-wing MSNBC, which Hodgkinson regularly watched.

On the way home from work this evening I listened to Mark Isler, who was filling in for Larry Elder on WIND-AM, a local conservative talk radio station. who said something along these lines, "I get it. Trump is not a perfect package. He says things and does things I wish he wouldn't." But then he added, as I mentioned earlier this this post, "Trump fights back."

John McCain didn't fight back when he was ridiculed in an Obama campaign commercial because he didn't use a computer. The injuries McCain endured when he was tortured by the North Vietnamese made operating a computer very difficult for him. Mitt Romney, didn't fight back when he was wrongly accused of allowing a woman to die of cancer over an insurance issue. The media, for the most part, were along for those misleading and dishonest rides.

Democrats and  their allies in the media still haven't come to terms with a Republican who fights back.

For those of you still angry about Trump's surprise win two autumns ago, up to a point I can empathize. As a Republican in Illinois, my party's victories are few. But rather than dwell upon your differences between "Deplorables" like myself, let's look to the many things all of us have in common, foremost of which is that we live in the greatest nation ever.

It really is.

(IN Sen) Mike Braun ad: Bring them back!

Mike Braun is challenging Democratic incumbent Joe Donnelly for a US Senate seat in Indiana. Donnelly talks a tough game when he's in the Hoosier State but he votes with Chuck Schumer and the Dems on items such as the Trump tax cut and the Brett Kavanaugh nomination.

Indiana patriots: Send Braun to DC.

Trump preparing executive order to block caravan from crossing border

Of course a border wall would make the president's job even easier.

From Fox News:
President Trump is considering a sweeping executive order that would block migrants, including asylum seekers, from entering the U.S. at the southern border in a bid to stop the caravan traveling north through Mexico.

The White House, if it goes ahead with the measure, would issue new regulations restricting certain migrants from seeking asylum. The rules would effectively block most if not all the migrants who are taking part in the caravan, Politico reported.

The order would be akin to Trump's previous aggressive immigration-blocking executive orders, such as the travel ban aimed at halting people from some Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.

Any attempt to block the entry of Central American migrants is likely to prompt legal challenges, though Trump is likely emboldened following a Supreme Court ruling earlier this summer that affirmed the president’s right to bar the entry of migrants who “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.”

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Florida Dem guv candidate Andrew "Gollum" received free Hamilton! tickets from undercover FBI agent

If you are from Florida and believe that Andrew "Gollum" Gillum's status as a hardened leftist isn't enough of a reason to vote against him, perhaps a scandal surrounding him will convince you.

For the most part, the national mainstream media is ignoring this story.

From the Miami Herald:
Undercover FBI agents paid for Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum’s hotel room and his ticket to the Broadway musical “Hamilton” during a 2016 trip to New York City, according to a bombshell trove of records that raises new questions two weeks before the Nov. 6 election for Florida governor.

Among the records released Tuesday: photos, a video and dozens of text messages between Gillum, who is the Democratic nominee for governor, former lobbyist Adam Corey and an undercover FBI agent. They appear to contradict Gillum’s explanation for the expenses, which have been made a major issue by his Republican rival, Ron DeSantis.

Gillum’s campaign has maintained — and continued to do so Tuesday after the records were released — that Gillum’s brother, Marcus, handed him the ticket the night of the show.

But text messages at the time of the trip show Gillum was told the tickets came from “Mike Miller,” an FBI agent looking into city corruption who was posing as a developer.
J.R.R. Tolkien's Gollum couldn't keep his story straight either.

This blog enthusiastically endorses Ron DeSantis for governor in the Sunshine State. Click here to contribute to his campaign.

Suit to block Obama Library, oops, make that presidential center, in federal court today

Early in Barack Obama's presidency his media minions tossed around the word "unprecedented" often.

Here's another unprecedented feat for Dear Leader. His presidential "library" won't have any books or documents. Obama seeks to build a temple to himself on valuable park land on Chicago's South Side. If he wants that, fine. Just build it somewhere else.

Some South Siders agree with me.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
A lawsuit seeking to block the Obama Presidential Center from locating in landmarked Jackson Park — which takes issue with the fact the center won’t house an official presidential library — will go before a judge Wednesday in federal court.

Hours before the morning hearing, the Obama Foundation on Tuesday night released a letter of intent between the foundation and the National Archives and Records Administration, which oversees the presidential library system. The letter of intent spells out the first details of what will be a model for dealing with presidential records in this digital era.

The letter of intent, finalized on Sept. 21, is a broad outline of the evolving relationship between NARA and the Obama Foundation, which will pay to digitize former President Barack Obama’s records.

When Obama left the White House, the National Archives and Records Administration shipped his records and artifacts to a bland warehouse at 2500 Golf Road in Hoffman Estates.
Why not build the Obama Oracle in Hoffman Estates? Hey, the documents are already there!

Troops to border to confront caravan

President Donald J. Trump backs up his rhetoric with action.

From Fox News:
Hundreds of U.S. troops are set to make their way to the southern border to help Homeland Security and the National Guard as a caravan with thousands of migrants moves north, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News on Thursday.

The official said roughly 800 soldiers will be sent to the area to offer “logistical support," including providing tents and vehicles.

It’s not immediately clear which units are being tasked with the mission as details are still being finalized.

Defense Secretary James Mattis could sign the deployment orders as soon as today.

MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt says Trump is to blame for bomb scares

As for the bombs that have been sent to prominent Democrats, CNN, and Robert DeNiro, only the sicko or sickos who sent them can explain why they were sent.

So some clown, Steve Schmidt, an MSLSD contributor, is blaming President Trump for them.

Beto O'Rourke supporters can't name anything he's done

Beto O'Rourke, a dreamy looking Democrat, is running against incumbent Ted Cruz for a US Senate seat in Texas.

Campus Reform finds some Beto supporters--none of whom can name a single thing that he's accomplished.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

IL-6 voters read Casten’s “Mean Tweets” about them in new Peter Roskam ad

Sean Casten, the Democratic candidate for the US House in Illinois' 6th district, is like many liberals I know. He's a know-it-all elitist.

The incumbent, Republican Peter Roakam, who I've met a couple of times, is neither of those things.

Watch as 6th District voters read some of Casten's smug comments and nasty Tweets.

Click here
to contribute to Roskam's campaign.

Trump's favorability notches up ahead of midterms

Wow. Interest in the midterms is up and so is approval of President Donald J. Trump.

Rasmussen: Majority of voters say illegals caravan should be stopped at border

The American electorate will definitely speak two weeks from today.

From Rasmussen Reports:
Voters agree with President Trump's efforts to stop the horde of Hondurans marching through Mexico from entering the United States illegally.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the U.S. government should stop all the Hondurans headed this way from entering the country. Thirty-eight percent (38%) disagree and say the government should allow them to enter temporarily until each of their cases can be individually reviewed. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fox Business video: Predictions of a 'blue wave' overestimated?

Could it be like Thomas Dewey in 1948 and Richard Nixon in 1960, the Democrats peaked too early this year?

Monday, October 22, 2018

Chiraq: 6 shot outside funeral

There's a close connection between rappers and street gangs in Chicago, which is something the mainstream media ignores.

Violence at wakes and funerals of gangbangers is not unusual, although the scale of today's bloodshed is.

From Fox 32 Chicago:
A shooting following a funeral service Monday afternoon in the Burnside neighborhood left six people wounded.

The shooting happened about 12:15 p.m. after a funeral service outside Bethlehem Star Missionary Baptist Church, 9231 S. Cottage Grove, Chicago police said.

The funeral was for a 25-year-old Chicago rapper, Vantrease R. Criss, who was shot and killed Oct. 9 in the Washington Park neighborhood on the South Side, according to police and the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

The most seriously wounded was a male who was shot in the head and in critical condition at University of Chicago Medical Center, police said. His age was not immediately known.

(PragerU) The American Trinity: The Three Values that Make America Great

Race and ethnicity," Dennis Prager begins in this latest PragerU video, "have defined every nation on earth."

But the United States is different.


Click on the video to find out.

Chiraq: 8 shot and 20 more wounded over weekend

While it snowed in Chicago for the first time in month, the killings continued. Eight people were murdered in Chiraq and at least another 20 were wounded in weekend shootings. 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Kinks: Full Moon

Halloween of course will be here soon. Here's a scary tune from the Kinks--they didn't perform too many of those. It's "Full Moon" from Sleepwalker.

If you've ever awakened in the middle of the night terrified--then you will relate to this song.

Leftism is expensive: Two illegal expressway anti-violence marches cost taxpayers over $200K

Lake Shore Drive marcher
And don't forget to add the over $300,000 spent to babysit the leftists in July on the Dan Ryan Expressway in July.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
A Labor Day protest march may have failed to reach the Kennedy Expressway near O’Hare International Airport, but it did reach into taxpayers’ pockets for tens of thousands of dollars.

Police agencies assigned to the march spent at least $152,871.52 on their efforts, according to information obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times under the Freedom of Information Act.

Add to that the cost of an August march that shut down a northern stretch of Lake Shore Drive, and the total tally hits $214,662.82.

Illinois State Police wouldn’t say how many officers it allocated for the Labor Day protest; they did, however, provide the total personnel cost, including benefits: $119,391.90. The Chicago Police Department, sent 48 officers, which cost taxpayers $27,526.33. The site, on the Park Ridge/Rosemont border, also was staffed by 24 Park Ridge police officers ($5,528.22) and two officers from Rosemont ($425.07).

Friday, October 19, 2018

Unhinged Leftist Rosie O’Donnell Says She Wants “To Send The Military” To Get Trump

While at the friendly roost of MSNBC, Rosie O'Donnell remarked this week, “I want to send the military to the White House to get him [President Trump]. That’s what I want to do,” she said.

Mark Dice on Beto O'Rourke: Democrats' New Hope

The Beto O'Rourke craze is covered by Mark Dice today.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

MAGA hat man at the supermarket

In the leftist Chicago area I've never seen anyone wearing a red Make America Great Again hat besides myself--and I only wore it briefly at the anti-violence march that briefly shut down Lake Shore Drive on Chicago's North Side this summer.

Until this afternoon, that is.

At a supermarket in one of the suburbs next to mine, an tall elderly gentleman was wearing one this afternoon.

"I love your hat," I told him.

"Thanks," he replied. "But earlier today when I was at [name of retailer omitted] some young creep said to me, 'You got a lot of nerve wearing that hat in here.'"

He continued, "I'm a retired cop with a conceal and carry license, I pointed here," he explained.

"Here" was a leather holster, which he slowly unzipped a bit.

Sure enough, there was a handgun inside.

"That punk got real quiet," he exclaimed.


Patriots, when you see someone wearing a MAGA hat, thank that person. Show some love.

What about failing schools schools? Left out of this analysis on job growth not benefitting local urban residents is rotten system

AP has a detailed story on how some cities enjoying healthy job growth, such as Atlanta and Charlotte, don't see locals, particularly African Americans, finding work. Left out of the analysis are the failures of government-run schools in the inner city. The school systems are largely employment and retirement programs for the teachers and bureaucrats.

Mark Dice: Grandma Gives NBC Reporter A Reality Check

An NBC reporter somehow left his safe zone in Manhattan and traveled to the New York City Republican stronghold of Staten Island where he confronted a feisty grandmother and some Donald Trump supporters.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

ILL-inois: 10 black and Latino staffers for Dem guv candidate Pritzker file suit claiming racial discrimination

Illinois bicentennial flag
on bottom
JB "Jabba" Pritzker, a tool of the Boss Michael Madigan machine, is limping into Election Day in Illinois.

Too bad Bruce "RINO" Rauner's scorched earth Republican primary campaign means there is no one respectable opposing Prtizker in on the Republican side.

From NBC Chicago:
With less than three weeks to go before Election Day, 10 black and Latino staffers for Democratic candidate for Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker filed a civil lawsuit against his campaign on Tuesday alleging repeated racial discrimination and harassment.

The staffers claimed in the lawsuit that most minority employees of the campaign were "herded into race-specific positions" and "received less favorable treatment than their white counterparts" while allegedly enduring "overt and invidious racial discrimination."
Wow, a Democrat allegedly is playing identity politics in the workplace.

Who would've thunk that?

Alaskan village with biggest increase in voter turnout to receive $10K--but not white majority towns

Indigenous Alaskans tend to vote Democratic. White Alaskans lean Republican. So it's troubling that a group is offering money to villages comprising of First Alaskans is only eligible for a voting turnout prize.

From Must Read Alaska:
The Native village with the highest increase in voter turnout will receive a prize of $10,000 for its school from the First Alaskans Institute. European-heritage settlements need not apply.

That is according to an Alaska Native who works at the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, although no announcement has been made by the First Alaskans Institute on the organization’s website.

Three members of the Walker Administration sit on the 10-member board of the Institute: Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, Al Kookesh, a special assistant to the governor, and Valerie Davison, commissioner of Health and Social Services. Elizabeth Medicine Crow is the CEO and president.
The runner up village receives $5,000--bot prizes end up with local schools.

Apparently, according to Must Read Alaska, this cash-for-votes is not illegal.

Why hasn't Chicago come up with a scheme like this?

Since Must Read Alaska's post, the story has a new twist. Bill Walker, an independent, is Alaska's governor. He's up for reelection. His running mate until yesterday was the aforementioned Mallott, a Democrat and the incumbent lieutenant governor. It would seem that Mallott would have a conflict of interest here as he sits on the board of the vote-rewarding group. But yesterday Mallott unexpectedly resigned over "inappropriate comments." The nature of those comments has not been made public although a spokesman for the governor says the remarks involve an "inappropriate overture to a woman."

It's easy to see why so many reality shows are set in the Alaska.

Thanks to an Alaska resident for sending this story tip.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Mark Dice on Fauxcahontas: The Results Are In

The leftist media twisted itself into knots trying to explain the DNA results that prove Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is not a Native American.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Mark Dice: Guess Who's Back!

It's Brian Stelter, CNN's so-called reporter.

NBC botches story about Trump and Robert E. Lee, corrrects it after media runs with it

Trump Derangement Syndrome is effecting the mainstream media's ability in covering the president.

From the Hill:
President Trump on Sunday accused the media of “purposely” changing the meaning of his comments on Robert E. Lee.

In a tweet, Trump claimed that his comments about the Confederate general were “actually a shoutout” to Ulysses S. Grant.

“NBC News has totally and purposely changed the point and meaning of my story about General Robert E Lee and General Ulysses Grant,” Trump tweeted. “Was actually a shoutout to warrior Grant and the great state in which he was born. As usual, dishonest reporting. Even mainstream media embarrassed!”
NBC News originally tweeted that Trump called Lee “incredible,” but later posted a corrected tweet noting that the “incredible” comment was about Grant, not Lee.
The Hill shows the correction Tweet from NBC, but I thought James Woods' comments add much needed context.
But before the correction much of the media reported on Lee's "incredible" remark. Which of course never happened.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dave Edmunds - Ballad of John & Yoko

As with nearly every Beatles single was, "The Ballad of John and Yoko" was hit. But this one, for a clear reason--hint, the answer is in the title--is rarely covered.

But the great Dave Edmunds found it worth performing.

And so he did.

Byron York reacts to Clinton surrendering security clearance

Hillary Rotten Clinton surrendered her security clearance yesterday.

But was it about to be yanked anyway?

Byron York talks about it.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Don Lemonhead calls Kanye West's visit to Oval Office "a minstrel show"

Oh, the things the other side gets away with.

From Mediaite:
CNN’s Don Lemon tore into Kanye West‘s Oval Office meeting with President Donald Trump, incensed by what he called an embarrassment to the African American community and America itself.

“What I saw was a minstrel show today,” Lemon said Thursday during an interview with his colleagues at the network. “Him in front of all these white people, mostly with people, embarrassing himself and embarrassing Americans, but mostly African Americans because every one of them is sitting either at home or with their phones, watching this, cringing. I couldn’t even watch it. I had to turn the television off because it was so hard to watch.”
Near the end of his remarks, Lemon said the artist changed after the death of his mother, remarking his mom would have been disturbed by his behavior and “is rolling over in her grave.”

Mark Dice: Media Losing Their Minds Over Kanye-Trump Meeting

"This is white supremacy by ventriloquism," said one MSLSD guest about Kanye's West meeting President Trump in the Oval Office on Thursday."

There are many more unhinged reactions that Mark Dice covers here, including fired CNN debate question leaker Donna Brazile's Tweet that West has set "us back 155 years."

What happened 155 years ago? The Emancipation Proclamation was signed.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Kanye West says “Trump is on his hero’s journey right now," leftists freaking out

Sure, Kanye West is a work in progress, as we all are. While he has some crazy ideas, such as suggesting President Trump attend the next Super Bowl with Colin Kaepernick, and he did curse in the Oval Office, but West could also be on his own hero's journey  too.

From the Washington Times:
Professing “I love this guy” and giving President Trump a big hug, rapper Kanye West visited the White House Thursday to discuss his ideas about criminal-justice reform and unifying Americans.

“Trump is on his hero’s journey right now,” Mr. West told reporters during a meeting in the Oval Office. “He might not have thought he’d have a crazy motherf–— like [me]” as an ally.

He credited Mr. Trump for negotiating with North Korea to abandon its nuclear-weapons program.
The hero's journey term was popularized in the second half of the last century by the work of Joseph Campbell, who was a conservative by the way.

West is rough around the edges but he's not a moron.

Meanwhile on a CNN panel, some nobody politician, Bakari Sellers. said of West Tuesday on Don "Lemonhead" Lemon's CNN show, "Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read." Another member of that left-wing roundtable, Tara Setmayer, labeled West the "token Negro of the Trump administration."

Oh, the things the other side gets away with.

Leftist Lemonhead: The protesters who harassed Cruz were 'people who are upset,' it wasn't mob behavior

CNN's Don Lemon, the lemonhead who once mused on air that a black hole in space might have devoured Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, two nights ago refused to call the mob who shouted at Ted Cruz as he and his wife tried to have dinner in a Washington restaurant, a mob. Lemon claims that the First Amendment covers these rude jerks.

It does not. No one is saying that leftists can't exercise free speech at all, but bursting into a private business and disrupting the establishment is trespassing. The manager of the restaurant, not to mention Cruz, should have called the police on these goons.

Here's an example for you to chew on, Lemonhead. My freedom of speech and religion does not protect me from arrest if I walk into a mosque and shout out Bible verses.

Tucker: Yes, there are leftist mobs

The Washington Post claims that there is no "angry mob" on the left.

Tucker Carlson reminds viewers that left-wing mobs forced Ted Cruz and his wife to leave a restaurant,  Antifa thugs are blocking traffic and screaming at motorists in Portland, and of course a Bernie Sanders supporter seriously wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.

Among those egging on the leftists is US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA),

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

"Pee on me" Trump statues appearing in Brooklyn

Did things like this happen when Barack Obama was president? If it did, the media would have made more noise than the Big Bang.

From the Gothamist, a left-wing publication:
When they go low, we go high lower, apparently.

This statuette of Donald Trump (looking more like the 1980s version of himself than current day) was spotted in Park Slope on Friday evening, near the intersection of Union and 7th. The installation encouraged dogs (and humans?) to urinate on the bust of Trump, which was placed atop some astroturf.

The "pee on me" sign also included a plug for its maker, a brand content studio called Porcupine Armadillo, so we reached out to the creator, Phil Gable, who told us more about it. What inspired him? Aside from promoting his company ("the kind of people who appreciate this sort of thing are also the kind of people I love to work with"), Gable told us:
It was partly a public service. As a dog owner, I know people get understandably annoyed when dogs pee on their flower beds. But a dog’s instinct to pee where another dog has previously peed is quite strong. They need positive places to pee. If you reward them enough for peeing in appropriate places, that’s the best way to keep them from peeing in places that annoy people. So I sprayed the whole thing down with a dog potty-training aid to make it attractive to initial users. I think we’ll have critical mass very soon.
It's the liberals who are always calling for civility. If that's what they really want, whey don't they repudiate stunts like this one?

We are winning: People in the Swamp routinely give Trump the middle finger

President Trump's efforts to "drain the swamp" must be working.

The Swamp hates him.

From Politico:
Forget the bald eagle. The unofficial mascot of Donald Trump’s capital is a very different kind of bird.

At the White House, the nearby Trump International Hotel and wherever the presidential motorcade goes, Washingtonians are greeting this presidency with an extended middle finger.

As episodes like the separation of migrant families and the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court continue to inflame passions in Washington, D.C., these one-fingered salutes have become a pervasive marker of an administration under siege in its own city.

Tourists posing for photos, passengers in the cars that drive by the White House off Lafayette Square and pedestrians caught unaware by passing motorcades have all made increasing use of the vulgar gesture since Trump came to town. Some flip the bird subtly. Others make a show of it.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

University of Illinois offering Trumpaganda course

Quad at the U of I
My alma mater, which gets none of my money except by way of taxes, continues its leftward lurch.

From One Illinois:
Students at the state’s flagship public university are going to get a chance to study how President Trump uses the media for propaganda purposes.

Trumpaganda: The War on Facts, Press and Democracy is an advanced eight-week Journalism 460 course launching Oct. 22 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Taught by Associate Professor Mira Sotirovic, the weekly class “examines the Trump administration’s disinformation campaign, its ‘running war’ with the mainstream news media, and their implications for American democracy and a free press,” according to the course description.
Didn't Barack Obama have a war with Fox News? Didn't his Justice Department spy on a Fox News reporter, James Rosen?

Yes. And yes.

Hat tip to Chicago Public Square.

Tomi Lahren: Anyone who leans right is in danger

Because of totalitarian leftists, people on the right who express their view publicly live in peril.

Tomi Lahren explains.

BREAKING: Nikki Haley resigns

Fox News and other news outlets are reporting that UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, is resigning and the official announcement is due any minute now from the White House.

Monday, October 08, 2018

(PragerU) Goodbye, Columbus Day

Steven Crowder in this Columbus Day video, looks at the leftists' least favorite national holiday, Columbus Day.

Mark Dice: VICTORY

Yes, conservatives can celebrate. Brett Kavanaugh is our newest Supreme Court justice and the liberals continue to behave in a crazy manner.

On this day in 1918: Sgt. York kills 25 German soldiers and captures 132 others

World War I Doughboy
monument, Morton Grove, 
It was 100 years ago today during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive of World War I when Sergeant Alvin C. York killed at least 25 German soldiers and captured another 132 others.

At one point York, who ended up being one of the most decorated American soldiers ever, wanted to be a conscientious objector.

His story was told in the film Sergeant York, which gained its star, Gary Cooper, an Academy Award for Best Actor.

Sunday, October 07, 2018

The leftists are revolting: They try to bust down the doors of the Supreme Court.

Mimicking Saruman's Uruk-hai orcs at Helms Deep in The Lord of the Rings, leftist protesters tried to break down the bronze doors of he US Supreme Court.

Only the orcs succeeded.

As for these radicals: are they the voice of reason?

(Video) Vile lefttists taunt solitary elderly Trump supporter at Supreme Court

When a leftist tells you that "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism," either vomit on that person or show them this video of a solitary but brave old man who supports President Donald J. Trump/ outside the US Supreme Court building as chanting left-wing radicals dance around him.

Think about this incident when you vote in November.

I said solitary but this man is not lonely, Millions of Deplorables are on his side.

Hat tip to James Woods for spreading this video on Twitter.

Saturday, October 06, 2018

The Bangles "Tear Off Your Own Head (It's a Doll Revolution)"

When Elvis Costello hit the music scene in the late 1970s, he was viewed as a hot songwriter, an English version of Bob Dylan with horn-rimmed glasses.

Maybe it was the backlash against rock's new wave, or possibly Costello's songs became more complicated and arcane, but by the 1980s Elvis had left the building. Most of the Costello covers were lame anyway, such as those recorded by Linda Ronstadt.

Here's a snappy edition of Costello's "Tear Off Your Own Head (It's a Doll Revolution) by the Bangles, one of the few Costello covers that bettes the original.

The best cover, however, of a Costello song remains Dave Edmunds' take of "Girls Talk."

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Gives Jumbled Word Salad When Asked About Her Plans For Congress

"That's an interesting thought" was the response from Chris Hayes, an MSNBC leftist, when fellow traveler Alexandria Ocasio Cortez barfed up nonsense when she was asked how she'd change Washington.

Friday, October 05, 2018

Mark Dice on Kavanaugh Protests: Here Come the Celebrities!

Any video that begins with "Hordes of liberal lunatics have infested Washington DC" is worth watching, in my humble opinion.

Ami Horowitz: Will People Believe Any Lie About Brett Kavanaugh?

Judge Brett Kavanaugh does not favor taking away women's right to vote or returning to counting African Americans as 3/5 of a person. But when PragerU's Ami Horowitz told leftists on a New York City college campus that--they believed him.

Years of indoctrination have destroyed their minds.

More winning: US jobless rate lowest since 1969

The "experts" warned us that President Trump would be disastrous for the US economy. 

They were wrong about him. The September jobs numbers are here. And the unemployment rate is at the lowest rate since 1969.

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Chicago braces for riots after Van Dyke verdict is announced

Blue Lives Matter flag in
Mount Greenwood
Will rioting come to Chicago? And it's not just cops. A firefighter told me two days ago that his days off might be cancelled.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
The Chicago Police Department on Thursday canceled days off and put officers on 12-hour shifts to bolster the force by up to 4,000 officers –– enough to handle any adverse reaction to a verdict in the trial of Jason Van Dyke for the murder of Laquan McDonald.

“Either way it goes, there’s gonna be people unhappy on either side of this,” Police Supt. Eddie Johnson told the Sun-Times as the jury started its deliberations.
What?!? Either way? They won't be rioting in Mount Greenwood, a Southwest Side neighborhood packed with cops and firefighters, and the only Chicago neighborhood carried by Donald Trump tow years ago, if Van Dyke is found guilty of first degree murder.

More from the Sun-Times:
“But this is our city that we call home. And there are ways to voice your concerns in a peaceful manner. And that’s what I expect from the citizens of this city.”

Starting at 7:30 a.m. Thursday and continuing until further notice, police officers normally dispersed between three watches were instead assigned to one of two, 12-hour-tours: 7 a.m.-to-7 p.m. and 7 p.m.-to-7 a.m.

Chiraq: Safe Passage worker shot on West Side

Safe zones aren't safe in Chicago.

From ABC Chicago:
A Safe Passage worker was wounded in a shooting in the South Austin neighborhood Thursday morning.

The shooting occurred in the 5600-block of West Corcoran Place at about 8:20 a.m. Police said the victim, a man in his 20s, was shot in the back and transported to Loyola University Medical Center in serious condition.

Chicago Police Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the man was a Safe Passage worker who was wounded in an exchange of gunfire between two other people.

The Safe Passage program is designed to provide safe routes to and from school for Chicago students.

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Mark Dice: Brian Stelter Schooled by Veteran Journalist Ted Koppel

"You can't do without Donald Trump." Ted Koppel lectured CNN's Brian Stelter recently at the National Press Club." You would be lost without Donald Trump."

"CNN's ratings would be in the toilet without Donald Trump." the veteran newsman concluded.

Trump-hatred is what keeps CNN going.

Rockford "artist" charged with vandalizing local GOP HQ with "rape" graffiti stripped down to underwear during police questioning


The suspect is Timothy A. Damm, who lives a block away from the scene of the crime.

From the Rockford Register-Star:
The man authorities say defaced the county Republican headquarters by spray-painting the words “rape” and “shame” on the building described himself as an “artist” and told a television reporter on the day the graffiti were discovered that the vandal or vandals had gotten their message across.
Detectives had identified Damm as a primary suspect on Sunday and officers detained him at the Walmart on East Riverside Boulevard. Damm had purchased several additional cans of spray paint, according to a criminal complaint.

When officers brought Damm back to District 2 police headquarters for questioning, he refused to cooperate, danced on the table in the interview room, stacked the chairs and furnishings in the interview room and disrobed down to his underwear, according to the complaint.

Damm was asked to leave the interview room but refused and had to be pulled from the room by officers. Officers said he continued to thrash his arms and legs in a holding room and had to be taken to the floor and restrained in handcuffs.

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

(PragerU) Who Needs Feminism?

In the latest PragerU video, the site's YouTube page writes, "Andrew Klavan, best-selling author and host of The Andrew Klavan Show announces he’s proudly anti-feminist. No, Klavan doesn’t “hate women,” he just hates that modern feminism has bullied us all into accepting the obvious and harmful lie that men and women are more or less the same."

Gorka: Trump is right: Democrats have lost their minds

Dr. Sebastian Gorka--a former Trump White House official--says his old boss is right. The Democrats have lost their minds.

Monday, October 01, 2018

Chevy Chase Rips Saturday Night Live - "Worst Humor in the World"

Chevy Chase is right. Saturday Night Live is not funny. In fact TV comedy, Mark Dice tells us, isn't even in some cases calling itself comedy.

Warning Graphic: The Summer Killing Fields in Chicago 2018

The summer of 2018 was less violent in Chicago than the last two. But as Victor Maggio reports in his latest Bloody Chicago video, there was still plenty of killing.