Wednesday, October 10, 2018

"Pee on me" Trump statues appearing in Brooklyn

Did things like this happen when Barack Obama was president? If it did, the media would have made more noise than the Big Bang.

From the Gothamist, a left-wing publication:
When they go low, we go high lower, apparently.

This statuette of Donald Trump (looking more like the 1980s version of himself than current day) was spotted in Park Slope on Friday evening, near the intersection of Union and 7th. The installation encouraged dogs (and humans?) to urinate on the bust of Trump, which was placed atop some astroturf.

The "pee on me" sign also included a plug for its maker, a brand content studio called Porcupine Armadillo, so we reached out to the creator, Phil Gable, who told us more about it. What inspired him? Aside from promoting his company ("the kind of people who appreciate this sort of thing are also the kind of people I love to work with"), Gable told us:
It was partly a public service. As a dog owner, I know people get understandably annoyed when dogs pee on their flower beds. But a dog’s instinct to pee where another dog has previously peed is quite strong. They need positive places to pee. If you reward them enough for peeing in appropriate places, that’s the best way to keep them from peeing in places that annoy people. So I sprayed the whole thing down with a dog potty-training aid to make it attractive to initial users. I think we’ll have critical mass very soon.
It's the liberals who are always calling for civility. If that's what they really want, whey don't they repudiate stunts like this one?


  1. Just another example of how the Left has been reduced to silly and futile (not to mention infantile) gestures as Trump pwns them every day. How sweet it is!

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Loving it
