Thursday, October 25, 2018

Suit to block Obama Library, oops, make that presidential center, in federal court today

Early in Barack Obama's presidency his media minions tossed around the word "unprecedented" often.

Here's another unprecedented feat for Dear Leader. His presidential "library" won't have any books or documents. Obama seeks to build a temple to himself on valuable park land on Chicago's South Side. If he wants that, fine. Just build it somewhere else.

Some South Siders agree with me.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
A lawsuit seeking to block the Obama Presidential Center from locating in landmarked Jackson Park — which takes issue with the fact the center won’t house an official presidential library — will go before a judge Wednesday in federal court.

Hours before the morning hearing, the Obama Foundation on Tuesday night released a letter of intent between the foundation and the National Archives and Records Administration, which oversees the presidential library system. The letter of intent spells out the first details of what will be a model for dealing with presidential records in this digital era.

The letter of intent, finalized on Sept. 21, is a broad outline of the evolving relationship between NARA and the Obama Foundation, which will pay to digitize former President Barack Obama’s records.

When Obama left the White House, the National Archives and Records Administration shipped his records and artifacts to a bland warehouse at 2500 Golf Road in Hoffman Estates.
Why not build the Obama Oracle in Hoffman Estates? Hey, the documents are already there!

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