Thursday, January 07, 2016

Walking Dead city: Harvey IL mayor sues to collect $13 million in property taxes

Harvey abandoned bungalow
Can the situation in the corrupt and blighted city of Harvey, Illinois get any worse?

Sure it can!

From Fox Chicago:
The mayor of Harvey says he'll file a last-ditch lawsuit to get millions of dollars in property taxes that other officials say he cannot collect.

Eric Kellogg claims his south suburb faces a financial catastrophe without the money, and he's threatened to layoff half of Harvey's police and firefighters.

A local political standoff provoked the crisis in Harvey. But it reflects deeper problems pushing other Chicago area suburbs to the tipping point.

One watchdog fears Harvey and some other communities may not be able to recover from the financial crisis they face, comparing them to the 'Walking Dead.'
Harvey, which hasn't undergone a state-mandated budget in years, is locked in a dispute between its ethically-challenged mayor on the City council. The aldermen refuse to authorize a property tax levy of that will collect $13 million. And the Cook County Clerk is siding with the City Council.

If you drive around Harvey you'll be shocked to learn that the town of 25,000 has the highest property taxes in Cook County.

Related post:

(Photos) Abandoned homes in the corrupt city of Harvey, Illinois

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