Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Detroit considering creating a demolitions department

Detroit demolition in progress
If Detroit is "back," as its supporters claim, then why is it considering creating a demolitions department?

From the Detroit Free Press:
In response to rising demolition costs in Detroit, city officials are developing a new department to handle some demolitions and potentially reduce overall costs.

Exactly how money would be saved was not explained Tuesday when Detroit demolition officials, at the City Council's request, provided an update on the city's massive blight demolition program, which is funded by more than $120 million in federal dollars.

"We're looking aggressively at cost control. We’re looking at different options for that," Brian Farkas, special projects director for Detroit's blight demolition effort, told the City Council. "We're also looking at developing an in-house demolition department that would be run through the city."

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