Friday, October 10, 2014

Chicago Tribune endorses Rauner for governor

One, two, three.

Republican businessman Bruce Rauner just now earned his third major media endorsement, it's the second today. The Daily Herald, Illinois' third most-read newspaper, gave Rauner its nod on Sunday. This morning influential Crain's Chicago Business urged its readers to vote for the political newcomer.

And now comes the big one. The Chicago Tribune just announced its choice for governor of America's fifth-most populous state, and yes, it's Rauner.

After spending several paragraphs to condemn Quinn's hapless five-and-a-half years as governor, the Trib then explains why Rauner is the solution for the Land of Lincoln.
All of which leaves Illinois a high-tax state hostile to employers and condemned to low growth. Restoring robust growth, not Quinn's pursuit of one tax hike followed by plans for the next, is the only way to fix this state's fractured finances and get its big shoulders back to work.

With that restoration of Illinois' competitiveness as our towering priority, the Tribune Editorial Board endorses businessman Bruce Rauner for governor. We urge voters to grant Rauner the power to revive Illinois.

What does Rauner, the Republican nominee, bring to the job?

From the get-go, Rauner has campaigned on the urgent need to shatter the self-serving political power structure in state government and promote a dramatically different agenda to get Illinois growing again. He knows that the answer isn't more tax increases. Unlike the ruling class in Springfield, he doesn't see employers as enemies useful only to be milked. He wants government to be of a size taxpayers can afford.
Well said.

To follow Rauner on Facebook, click here. To follow him on Twitter, click here.

To contribute to the Rauner campaign, click here.

Related posts:

Daily Herald endorses Bruce Rauner for Illinois governor

Rauner wins Crain's Chicago Business endorsement

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