Saturday, October 18, 2014

Chicago Sun-Times strongly endorses Rauner for governor: "We're all in"

The failure that is Illinois government is so severe that it has compelled the Chicago Sun-Times, three years after it vowed it would no longer endorse political candidates, to get back into the game.

Illinois' second most-read paper says that the Land of Lincoln "has just about run out of time for a comeback."

More from that Sun-Times endorsement:
Today we are endorsing Bruce Rauner for governor. Today we are putting our chips — we're all in — on an extraordinarily capable businessman who just might have what it takes to break the stranglehold of uninspired, self-serving, one-party rule in Springfield.

We look across Illinois and we despair. We see struggling small towns and an antiquated tax structure, monstrous pension debt and population decline, government incompetence and public corruption.

We see an entrenched political class bereft of fresh ideas, basic business acumen, and independence from unions and other special interests. We see professional politicians, beginning with Gov. Pat Quinn and House Speaker Mike Madigan, who have failed to do what must be done before all else — promote economic growth and help create many more new jobs. We see a political status quo that is ruining Illinois.

Then there is Bruce Rauner. In him, we see everything the current occupant of the Governor's Mansion is not — a smart businessman, skilled executive and born leader beholden to nobody but those of us smart enough to vote him into office. We see that rare candidate who has but one agenda, to get Illinois roaring again for the sake of us all. It's not like the man needs the money.
Any person who votes for failed governor Pat Quinn is either a hopeless ideologue, a fixer with a stake in the game, or someone who is terribly misinformed.

Save Illinois: vote for Bruce Rauner.

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