Saturday, October 18, 2014

Belleville News-Democrat endorses Rauner for Illinois governor

The endorsements keep rolling in for political newcomer and Republican Bruce Rauner.

After sweeping the major media endorsements in the Chicago area, the Rauner juggernaut picked up another one tonight in downstate's Metro East area.

From the Belleville News-Democrat:
Illinois desperately needs a new direction and that's why we are endorsing Bruce Rauner for governor. This isn't an "anybody but Quinn" recommendation, however. Rauner is a smart, effective business leader who is running because he seems to genuinely care about the future of Illinois.

Quinn has spent a lot of time attacking Rauner for being rich. But his success is exactly what makes him such an appealing alternative.

Rauner demonstrates a firm grasp of the issues facing the state, including in the metro-east. He understands that for Illinois to rebound, the No. 1 priority has to be bringing in businesses and jobs, which in turn would generate new tax revenue to fund government services. Broadening the tax base makes so much better sense than higher tax rates.

To make Illinois more inviting to business, Rauner supports many reforms, such as finishing reform of workers' comp. He offers the example of Caterpillar, which creates most of its new jobs next door in Indiana because that state's workers' comp costs are so much lower than in Illinois. Quinn knows the burdensome costs remain a problem yet has said the reforms already enacted go far enough. They don't.
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