Friday, January 17, 2014

Softball: People Magazine scores exclusive Michelle Obama 50th birthday interview

The love affair with the Obama White House with softball media continues. Today is Michelle Obama's 50th birthday. Huzzah!

And it's People Magazine that scored the exclusive interview. From that softball publication, we learn that the First Lady has not ruled out Botox injections and that she may take up yoga and that her message to other women is to "be healthy."


Even less-so than so-called serious media outlets, People can be counted on not asking hard questions. Not covered in the People interview was the no-bid ObamaCare contract given to CGI Federal. One of that company's top executives, Toni McCall Townes-Whitley, was a Princeton classmate of Michelle's and she spent "Christmas with the Obamas" in 2010.

CGI Federal was fired earlier this month.

As for People, while it may be lightweight, it's very popular. And when a People reader votes, it counts the same as my vote, which the White House is well aware of.

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