Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rauschenberger, Patrick Collins endorse Bill Cadigan for Congress in Illinois 10th

Republican Bill Cadigan, a former aide to US Rep. John Porter, announced Saturday that he is running for his bosses' old congressional seat, the Illinois 10th, which encompasses most of Chicago's North Shore.

Mark Kirk, also a Republican, currently represents the 10th. He is running for the the US Senate seat currently held by Rod Blagojevich appointee Roland Burris.

Cadigan lives in Winnetka with his wife Beth and their young son, Billy.

Cadigan grew up in Arlington Heights and it was there, at Olive-Mary Stitt School, which he once attended, that he announced his run for Congress.

"Me and every other child that was educated here came to know that hard work, a strong ethic of service to others, and honesty were the virtues we should build our lives around. It is these same qualities that we need more of in Washington. I offer my candidacy today in that spirit," Cadigan said. "I was a Daily Herald delivery boy growing up. I plan to win this campaign the way I used to do my route, by working hard and going door to door."

At the press conference was former state Senator Steve Rauschenberger and former Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Collins.

"I think Bill will take the fight to Washington for ethics and reform," said Collins, a longtime friend and chairman of the just-concluded Illinois Reform Commission. Collins told the audience that he doesn't usually get involved in endorsing candidates.

As congressman, Cadigan promises to empasize market-centered health care reform, long-term economic stability, and job growth.

Cadigan signed the Americans for Tax Reform Taxpayer Protection Pledge before inking his own nomination petition. That pledge is a commitment to oppose federal tax income increases.

The race in the 10th will be one of the most closely watched political battles next year.

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