Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Chicago Sun-Times editorial board member Rummana Hussain on Tulsi Gabbard: "She's a white woman"

Donald Trump received some blowback, probably somewhat deserved, when he said that Kamala Harris "happened to turn black" recently. 

Although she isn't a candidate for president, Rummana Hussain. She's a columnist at the Sun-Times, and she has been a member of the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board since 2021. So, she's got some influence. But not with me.

Race apparently is a big deal with Hussain. While a guest on the Ben Joravsky Show podcast in July, she revealed to the host that a job at the Sun-Times a while back was only for a minority. I believe that race-based hiring is illegal.

On last Saturday's Joravsky show, Hussain, who is Indian, weighed in on former Democratic member of the House of Representatives, Tulsi Gabbard, who is now an independent. Last month she endorsed Trump for president. 

Hussain, who represented Hawaii in Congress, was born in American Samoa to a white woman and a Samoan father. To her credit Gabbard doesn't talk much about her ethnicity--I would consider her mixed race. 

But Hussain says the former congresswoman is white. "Her parents are white," Hussain remarked to Joravasky,"like she's white, she's a white woman." Look for this inflammatory comment around the seven-minute park.

I can only imagine the uproar if a conservative podcaster or radio host said something similar.

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