Monday, July 08, 2024

At least 103 shot and 19 killed in Chicago over long July 4 weekend; four mass shootings

Mayor Brandon Johnson's so-called crime-fighting strategy, which includes the use of "violence interrupters," isn't working. 

Over the long Independence Day holiday, at least 103 people were shot--19 of them fatally.

There were four mass shootings. An eight-year-old boy, Bryson Orr, was slain in one of them. 

CWB Chicago reports that Deputy Mayor of Community Safety Garien Gatewood, who appeared at a weekend press conference about the carnage, ducked a question regarding whether the city's anti-crime policies are working. After Johnson, who once supported the Defund the Police movement, appointed Gatewood to that position, a statement issued by the city said he would "lead cross-government efforts to eradicate the root causes of crime and violence, and advance a comprehensive, healing-centered approach to public safety."

So far--no good. 

Two months ago, Larry Snelling, Johnson's pick to lead the Chicago Police Department, said that the city was short 2,000 police officers. 

He didn't comment on "violence interrupters."

From my post at Da Tech Guy:

Chicagoan speaking about July 4th weekend: “It’s assassination day…”

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