Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Rachel Maddow, Rolling Stone magazine fall for fake news COVID story from Oklahoma

One of the ongoing false narratives that the mainstream media is that rural Americans--meaning Donald Trump voters--are unsophisticated yokels. And perhaps dangerous ones as they may be recklessly spreading COVID-19. Or harming themselves with bizarre treatments. 

Rachel Maddow leads this latest fake news parade.

From Fox News:

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow was excoriated on social media this week after failing to delete a tweet containing false information about hospitals in Oklahoma being overrun with coronavirus patients overdosing on Ivermectin, a parasite-fighting medication that can also be sold over the counter as a veterinary drug.
Maddow was previously criticized over the Thursday tweet, along with a number of other media figures, for spreading the false story without verifying it's authenticity after the hospital system in question denied the source's claim that people were being treated for the overdoses.
The story, which was originally reported at Oklahoma's KFOR-TV news, quoted testimony from Dr. Jason McElyea claiming that hospitals in a rural part of Oklahoma were being overrun with patients overdosing on the drug, causing gunshot victims to have to wait to be treated.
It was later deemed false after the Northeastern Hospital System denied any patients were treated for overdoses from the drug and that McElyea hadn't actually worked at one of the hospitals in question for two months.
Rolling Stone ran with the story too but later issued a correction.

My friends you are constantly being lied to by the media. 


  1. People are acting like the Democrat media lying to them is a recent phenomenon and nothing could be further from the truth. The "sainted" Walter Cronkite lied about to his viewers about the Tet Offensive back in 1968. Of course, there was no way to dispute what he was saying unless you had access to military intel at the time.

    Democrats are now, and have always been, pond scum.

  2. "And that's the way it is," Cronkite would end his newscast. Only it wasn't.
