Monday, January 11, 2021

Is this the end of Boss Madigan? Illinois' speaker-for-life suspends campaign

"Mother of Mercy! Is this the end of Rico?" 
The final line of "Rico" Bandello in the film Little Caesar.

The end may finally be near for the man who destroyed Illinois, Boss Michael Madigan.

From WGN-TV:
llinois House Speaker Michael Madigan announced he is suspending his campaign for a 19th term as speaker Monday.
The longest-serving leader of a legislative body in U.S. history, Madigan said in a statement: “this is not a withdrawal. I have suspended my campaign for speaker.”
The man nicknamed the “Velvet Hammer” acknowledged that he does not currently have enough support among fellow House Democrats to keep his gavel.
“As I have said many times in the past, I have always put the best interest of the House Democratic Caucus and our members first,” Madigan said.
That's a lie. Madigan, who has been a member of the General Assembly since 1971 and who has been speaker of the state house since 1983--except for two happy years--has also served as chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party since 1998. He's the midwife of the Illinois pension crisis. And his primary interest has always been himself and his circle of sycophantic cronies. 

And his corrupt circle is finally being exposed. I can't see him surviving this coup d'etat. 

Now that enough Springfield House Democrats have risen up against him perhaps more will have the courage to rebel. However, Madigan is an evil genius. He might be still be able to out-maneuver his new enemies.

1 comment:

  1. To be honest I'd rather Madigan than any of the progressives who want to succeed him. I've always viewed him as the only "adult" in the room.
