Friday, November 06, 2020

Pritzker calls on Boss Madigan to quit Illinois Democratic Party chairmanship

Madigan, courtesy 
of  the Illinois Policy

Illinois Republicans had a rare good Election Day on Tuesday. The so-called Fair Tax Amendment, which would replace a flat state income tax with graduated rates--failed. The amendment was personally and financially pushed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Chicago Democrat. In the state House of Representatives the GOP will pick up a few seats. And a Democratic Supreme Court justice failed in his retention bid. 

After years of trying the state Republican Party was able to point to the real problem in Illinois--Boss Michael Madigan--and find a lot of believers in this argument. Corruption probes are circling Madigan's cronies. And of course Madigan, who has been  state House Speaker for 25 of the last 27 years--and state Democratic Party chairman for 23 years--has had his fingers on every Illinois budget for decades. He's the primary reason Illinois is bankrupt-in-all-but-name. 

Yesterday, Pritzker, who was the Madigan machine's unofficial choice in the 2018 Democratic gubernatorial primary, called on Madigan to quit his party chairmanship. That's not far enough--Madigan needs to resign or be removed from the speakership too. 

But it's a start. 

So far only one prominent Illinois Democrat, US Sen. Tammy Duckworth, is calling for Madigan to leave the speakership. 


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    OMG sooo right! I hated the Fair Tax Amendment! It's my job as a middle class citizen to pay the bulk of taxes! If I tried harder, I could be richer and the flat tax would let me pay less and less and less!! If I make more, why shouldn't I get to pay less? I've earned it! Let the lazy slugs below me make up the difference. So what if I use more of the state's resources -- not my problem! I mean, once you're Amazon or Trump, you've done enough! Why should you have to give the government anything? They owe YOU!

  2. Government keeps taking. Illinois civil servants can retire into an "old age" pension at 50. Only Boss Madigan never funded his payoffs to the public sector unions. States cannot print money but Boss Madigan keeps trying. Illinois has lost population every year since 2014. Can you see why?

  3. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Personally, we need to cut all alderman. Also, I have family that works for the Fed and State. None of them were able to retire at 50. Are you referring to one specific group or something?
