Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Biden rambles at rare public appearance when discussing COVID-19

There's a reason Joe Biden's handlers keep him locked up is his basement.

What ever he had before he's lost it. The spin is off his fastball.

Now Biden can't handle reading from a teleprompter. Perhaps it froze on him. Even so talking about the impact of COVID-19 isn't that mentally challenging for most people.

"COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 years… Look, Here's… The lives… It's just… I mean, think about it," is what Biden said at a rare public appearance, one where he took no questions, on Monday.

What Biden probably meant to say that COVID-19 is the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918. That isn't true, the Asian Flu of the late 1950s was deadlier, but anyway, other than hatred of President Trump, why does Biden have any support?

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