Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Uff da! Michigan B&B's Norwegian flag confused with Confederate one, owners take it down

"Uff da! (sometimes also spelled huffda, uff-da, 'oofda', uffda, uff-dah, ufda, ufdah, or uf daa) is an exclamation or interjection expressing bafflement, surprise, or dismay. Of Norwegian origin, the phrase was brought by Scandinavian Americans in the Upper Midwest, New England, and Pacific Northwest regions of the United States during the 19th century." From Wikipedia.

We have an "uff da" moment in St. Johns Michigan.

Ignorance has no limits.

From the Lansing State Journal:
The owners of a massive Civil War-era mansion turned bed and breakfast have removed a Norwegian flag that's hung outside its main entrance for two years because they say too many people have mistaken it for the Confederate flag and confronted them about it.

Before it was a nearly 9,000-square-foot bed and breakfast the house was a local landmark. It was built in 1861 by Oliver Spaulding, a brevetted brigadier Union general and attorney. Spaulding served as a regent of the University of Michigan for six years, was a U.S. Congressman and a former Michigan Secretary of State.

Displaying Norway's flag, red with a blue cross superimposed on a white cross, is a nod to Kjersten Offenbecker's Scandinavian heritage. Her grandfather was born in Norway and the bed and breakfast's name is, in part, inspired by her family history.

The couple said it never occurred to them that people would mistake the Norwegian flag as anything else, but last week, after they received the latest in what Kjersten Offenbecker called "at least a dozen hateful emails," and twice as many comments they took the flag down.
For what it's worth, and for the uneducated that means nothing, the modern incarnation of Norway has only been at war once, when the Nazis invaded in 1940. It's a peaceful place.

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