Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lightfoot has no date to re-open Chicago's lakefront, won't follow Pritzker's lead on outdoor dining yet

Juneway Terrace Beach, Chicago's North Side,
during the lockdown
The spread of COVID-19 outdoors is at best minimal, if it happens at all. In a snit two months ago Chicago's leftist mayor, Lori Lightfoot, closed off Chicago's massive network of lakefront parks--it's 18 miles long--to anyone but cops who are keeping people out. Chicagoans, you voted for stuff like this--you are responsible.

Today in her daily insufferable coronavirus briefing Lightfoot said that no date has been set to re-open lakefront parks such as Lincoln, Jackson, and Burnham.

Remember when the liberals said we had to listen to the scientists about COVID-19? But with the left it's always about dominating others. "Power is the drug they've been searching for," Tucker Carlson said a few days about pols like Lightfood. "It's why they went into politics in the first place — not to help you or their fellow citizens, or to improve our society, but to fill the empty space inside themselves."

Almost has bad as Lightfoot is her fellow Democrat, Governor JB Pritzker. At least the billionaire has to answer to downstaters. Central and southern Illinois largely supported Donald Trump in 2016. Pritzker will allow restaurants to serve diners outdoors next week, although I'm certain the great majority of Prairie State restaurants have no facilities for al fresco serving.

Lightfoot says, with no credible reason given, that the city won't be ready for outdoor dining until sometime in June. Perhaps December will end up being her projected date.

Tax revenues are of course way down all across Illinois, the steep decline in restaurant traffic is only a part of this dire problem. But Pritzker and Lightfoot hasn't laid off a single government worker. I'm sure they expect a federal bailout to rescue them and their union boss pals.

But they they do know that Trump is president, right? And there is Republican majority in the Senate, right?

Barack Obama was spot on when he said, "Elections have consequences."

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