Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Chicago reporter banned from Gov Pritzker's media briefings because she spoke at anti-lockdown rally

We live in desperate times--Illinois' shaky finances, made so by corrupt politicians, most of them Democrats, are probably near collapse because Governor JB Pritzker refuses to re-open the economy. And because she spoke at an anti-lockdown rally in Chicago, a WIND-AM 560 reporter, Amy Jacobson, is banned from Pritzker's press briefings.

Also speaking at the rally was Mancow Muller, who hosts a competing radio show in the same time slot.

From Robert Feder's blog:
Jeff Reisman, regional vice president and general manager of AM 560 The Answer, questioned the decision and said he hoped Jacobson would be readmitted.

“I am disappointed that the governor has decided to limit the scope of questions he receives from the media,” Reisman said. “Amy Jacobson has had a long career as a journalist in Chicago, and she has routinely been asking questions that AM 560’s listeners want to have answered.

“In this time of uncertainty, I would hope that Gov. Pritzker and his staff would be more transparent and accountable to the people of Illinois. Picking and choosing which media outlets are allowed to ask questions creates the impression that Gov. Pritzker isn’t willing to answer difficult questions. I hope this decision would be reversed immediately and that Amy would be given access once again.”

Muller also defended Jacobson, saying: “Why is it we have to agree with Governor Pritzker to ask him questions? . . . Regular people are hurting. That is who Amy and I speak with on our different radio shows. Pritzker allows no followup questions and no real questions from anyone but sycophants.”
I have a question for Illinois' egomaniacal Democratic governor:
Revenues have plummeted since you put your statewide lockdown in place and most state offices are closed, why why haven't you laid off any state workers?
And I have two follow up:
Are you expecting a federal bailout to pay the salaries of those non-working employees? Why should a taxpayer in Texas pay for that?

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