Thursday, February 28, 2019

American Thinker: Is a second Civil War coming?

I used to dismiss these scenarios but the nation does seem to be headed in two different directions.

From Jeff Lukens in the American Thinker:
Does the fact that Democrats are rejecting a duly elected Republican president really mean they don't accept the results of any election they don't win? If so, we may be already nearing America's Second Civil War.

It is no secret that Democrats and Republicans are more ideologically divided than in recent years. Parts of the country detest the other parts. Coastal elites dislike flyover country. The blue states despise the red states, and vice versa.

We may now be near a point comparable to 1860. Modern Democrats hate President Trump as much as the Democrats of old hated President Lincoln. Democrats repudiated Lincoln for opposing slavery, and modern Democratic leaders are repudiating Lincoln's belief that the government is of the people, for the people, and by the people. Then as now, Democrats are on the wrong side of history.

The average conservative and the average liberal disagree on the vast majority of the issues, and in the few cases where they can agree, each won't support the other out of sheer tribalism for his side. Since Democrats can't win the argument with reason and facts, they try to intimidate us into silence. While Trump is their focus, we should know that the loathing is really against normal everyday Americans.

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